V Vigorous
O Old
L Light
L Light
E Eccentric
Y Yummy
B Busy
A Astounding
L Lively
L Loud
Name / Username:
Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com
I want to meet peope who are fun, active, trustworthy and sometimes competitve... (not only in sports but also in life...) I like people who are socially incline with the stuff happenning around him/her.
A Ambivalent
L Loving
I Irresistible
C Controversial
I Innocent
A Accurate
K Kinky
E Eccentric
Y Young
S Strong
Name / Username:
Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com
Q Quintesential
U Unreal
E Explosive
E Exquisite
R Rare
E Exquisite
Y Yucky
E Enchanting
F Feminine
O Orderly
R Radical
T Technological
H Hairy
E Exciting
S Secretive
T Trustworthy
R Realistic
A Astounding
I Insane
G Goofy
H Helpful
T Tame
G Gentle
U Unusual
Y Yummy
Name / Username:
Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com