Kristapor profile picture


Look for your individual music path with a reason

About Me

Kristapor is a composer and conductor from Greece .
He started studying piano since he was 5 years old . Performing compositions of other composers made him feel that things could be somehow different in music . He had to express hisself in a diferent way . That was for sure not performing . He had to compose music , to express and show his way and point of view .
Kristapor studied composition , orchestration , orchestra conducting , electronic music , music technology and film scoring techniques . He also attended plenty of composition masterclasses in Greece and in Germany , most of them about modern composition techniques .
Kristapor is working professional in music for about 20 years . He has worked on many different music styles . Writing Radio jingles , composing music for the theatre , writing songs , working as an orchestrator for various music productions , setting poems of important poets to music . His music for the monologue of the playwright Robert Schneider called Dirt , was a big success for the greek art facts . He also directed this representation . It was presented in a Bar Theatre form . The last years Kristapor is working mostly in the field of Contemporary Classical Music , using at the same time electronic devices synchronized with the performers and experiments with new methods in each new composition of his .
There is too much improvisation and seeking for new paths in music . Actually looking for new things is a condition that leads life forward . But there must always be a reason in this . A structure in the very wide meaning of this word . Unfortunately things happen too accidentally . without a reason to exist . RAISON D ETRE .
Kristapor is also the owner of Studio Gaia in Athens Greece that is used for various music productions .
In the player you can hear parts of his composition , The Failure of Genesis (a composition in four parts for piano , violin , viola , viloncello , flute , clarinet , percussion and electronic devices) and Pemptoussia for two Cellos .
Best Regards from Greece and from Kristapor .
Pemptoussia for two Cellos - Kristapor

My Interests


Member Since: 6/15/2006
Band Members: Kristapor
Influences: Ancient greek music , Byzantine music , Medieval instrumental music , Renaissance , Johann Sebastian Bach s Cantatas , Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart s Requiem , the Piano Concerto no 2 of Sergei Rachmaniniov , the sound of Viola da gamba , Elgar s Cello Concerto performed by Jacqueline Du Pre , Glenn Gould (the composer) , Alfred Schnittke , Leonard Bernstein , Hans Werner Henze , Othmar Schoeck , Gyorgy Ligeti , Alexander Zemlinsky , Arvo Paert , Toru Takemitsu , Pierre Boulez , Bela Bartok , Igor Stravinsky , Gubaidulina Sofiya , Kurt Weill , Giannis Christou , Michalis Travlos , Thanos Mikroutsikos , Manos Chatzidakis , Traditional music of various nations , Astor Piazolla Torun Eriksen , Cassandra Wilson , Aziza Mustafa Zadeh , Tom Waits , Charlie Haden , David Sylvian , Beatles , Depeche Mode , Dire Straits , Ute Lemper , some film scores , the paintings of Pablo Picasso , the poems of Odysseas Elytis , my education , my breeding , the emotional pain i have had in my life everything i heard and seen the passion , the logic , the fantasy .........
Sounds Like: Kristapor
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Pemptoussia for two Cellos - Kristapor

Check out this video: Pemptoussia for two Cellos - Kristapor ..Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Kristapor on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 12:56:00 PST