"Sc@L !" aka "PH@SME !", is a GUITARIST / COMPOSER. His music
( Ethnothrashipjazzdeluxe ) is the reflection of his living. Influenced by all kind of artists from every musical styles, his world is a mix of Rock, Electro, Blues, Hip Hop, Jazz, Ethnic, Classical and Contemporary composers's music.
He uses guitar as well as loops / noises from the streets, from his house, etc...
He also uses home made instruments, like the "PH@SME ©" : a home grown tubular metalic fretless guitar ( Heard on "Chinese Doll" ). This is truly an extension of his mind and body.
"Sc@L !", has been playing guitar with bands such as : Hot Riders / Living In Texas / Applered / Bam-Baf and from time to time, with Brigitte Fontaine, Phillipe Gully, storyteller Alain Amrani & theater company Kimé ( as a composer & live performer ).
He is now playing guitar with Mat Firehair's Imperators Of Kool, Le Cabaret des Filles de Joies de Juliette Dragon, Jan Dark and different gifted artists.
"Sc@L !" is working now on his new productions, be ready to hear some great stuff soon !...
He is in a seventh year of classical music training ( classical / contemporary guitar, working on composer such as J.S. Bach, Leo Brouwer, Heitor Villa Lobos, Augustin Barrios Mangore, with teacher Frederic Tennesson and harmony ( non mainstream classical form ) & writting, with Pierre Doury ) at La Schola Cantorum, here in Paris.