"O" profile picture



About Me

Yann from O insists O is not music - the listeners make it music. So the listener is the only artist involved and must work towards building new music. O work against demonstrative music and believe the mastering of an instrument to be an illusion. O never hides their chaos, and realizes death gives sense and value to life. Their detuned aesthetic of primitive error, and their disobedience of metronome clearly express this vision. O are old children. Their music is like prehistoric art. When O use electricity, you feel the voltage flowing through you, and when they pluck string, you feel the snap of bone and the tension of wire. Yann says O will die after this album, but O will never sound dead to me. Stephen Lawrie of The Telescopes.

2000 : Hommage Sup (compilation Innerside / Sony).

2001 : Be your own Tormentor (DMG Records) (compilation with the subversive french artist Costes).

2002 : NRP I (Burning Emptiness). (compilation of unrelealesed songs, with Ultramilkmaids, Ihan, Jailbird, etc.).

2003 : O vs TIN RP : Stereophonique (crazy stereophonic split LP ; Burning Emptiness). SOLD OUT

2004 : je vs [.] (Burning Emptiness).

2004 : Outsiders Looking Inward (compilation ; White Rose).

2005 : NRP II (Burning Emptiness) (compilation of unrelealesed songs from The Telescopes, Ultramilkmaids, Agathocles and more).

2005 : Numero 0, (Antenna Records) .

2006 : MoonOphonique I - split with MOON (Burning Emptiness) OUT NOW!!!

2007 : MoonOphonique II - second part of the split with MooN (Lona Records)

2008 : another (upcoming) split with S/T (T's(Green Milk from the Planet Orange) solo project) on SKYR RECORDS - limited to 66 copies

2008 : upcoming split EP: Joe Post (ex-Monitor member) / "O" (first "O" vinyl!! Golgonooza Records)... August, 2008
2008 : and an upcoming one with DAT (label?)

My Interests


Member Since: 12/13/2005
Band Website: antennarecords.com/

Giacinto Scelsi, Pierre Henri, Xenakis, Stockhausen.

Moon, Earth, Labradford, Pan Sonic, Alva Noto, Merzbow.

Sonic Youth, Wolf Eyes, Zeni Geva, Ultra Milkmaids.

Primitive musicS, primitives artS.

And Henri Michaux. Ghérasim Luca. Jean-Luc Parant. Or Céline. Or Sade?

You are Here!

Sounds Like:


Antenna Records

Record Label: Antenna records, Burning Emptiness, Lona Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

New interview by Dave X !!!!

Here the interview without any link (please, check out the Dave X site for activated links and more (reviews, interviews... really interesting site dedicated to avant garde music, noise, drone, electr...
Posted by "O" on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 06:06:00 PST

Friend requests

Every day, we receive about 20 / 30 requests from bands... sometimes, it's really good bands. But often, it's pseudo indie shit, nu metal, faschion core (that include a lot of subgenres, of course), Y...
Posted by "O" on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 01:47:00 PST

Interview at Neo Zine

Interview at Neo Zine http://www.neo-zine.com/interviews1.htm#0 Neo-zine: Please introduce the members of the band/ project. 0:Hum we dont like to speak about ourselves Neo-zine: Tell us why you ch...
Posted by "O" on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 09:39:00 PST

Interview at Loop

Interview at Loop.cl (http://www.loop.cl/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&i d=33&Itemid=26) The French duo comprises by Yann and other enigmatic artist who formed O in 2000. They are inspired b...
Posted by "O" on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 09:33:00 PST

Numero 0 available at

Numero 0, our first release on Antenna Records is available at: Antenna Records http://www.antennarecords.com/ (with a special offers!) Shellshock (UK) http://www.shellshock.co.uk/product_info.php?se...
Posted by "O" on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 09:23:00 PST