Big Mike profile picture

Big Mike

aka the Filipino assassin

About Me

? FEBRUARY = ATTITUDE Abstract thoughts. Outgoing.Loves reality and abstract. Intelligent and clever. Changing personality. Attractive.Fun to be around with. sexiest out of everyone.A real speed demon. Has more than one best friend. Able to cheer anyone up and make them laugh. Amazing smile. An awesome kisser. Temperamental. Honest. A very good girlfriend/boyfriend and loyal. Determined to reach goals. Loves freedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt. Gets angry really easily but does not show it. Dislikes unnecessary things. Loves making friends Daring and stubborn. Ambitious. Realizing dreams and hopes. Sharp. Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on the inside not outside. Superstitious and ludicrous. Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions. I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!
I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!
I edited my profile at FreeMySpaceArt , check out these Layouts!

My Interests
