We are... KILLDREN! Northern California's Guide to Underground Entertainment. Dedicated to the true spirit of genuine creativity. A free, bi-monthly, publication that promotes music that deserves recognition. Most of the material in KILLDREN, you won't find anywhere else.First six issues out now!#1 features an interview with the star of the EVIL DEAD trilogy, Bruce Campbell, and a word from Danny Lilker of NUCLEAR ASSAULT.#2 has Mark Osegueda from DEATH ANGEL and Thaen Rasmussen from ANVIL CHORUS. Our third issue features Eric Peterson of TESTAMENT & DRAGONLORD, Tom Angelripper of SODOM.#4 features the last interview Paul Baloff (EXODUS) ever did, and interviews from VERBAL ABUSE, DECRY, ARNOCORPS and reviews of all the greatest local bands.Issue #5 covers DIAMOND HEAD, DR. KNOW, ALL TIME HIGHS, A.D.H.D., STEEL ASYLUM, and more!Issue #6 features THE ADICTS, THE STOOGES, WITCHFINDER GENERAL, F.K.U., GHOUL, along with local show reviews.Issue #7, focuses on the best Speed Metal band ever, CRANIUM!!! An interview with Gary Holt, from EXODUS. A few words from Dave Hogg, the first drummer from legendary NWOBHM band ANGEL WITCH and all sorts of other goofy shit.
EVERY issue comes with a free sticker, and a calendar of shows coming up in the SF Bay Area. For free copy of current issues, send self addressed stamped envelope to:KILLDREN!
722 Marin Way
Petaluma, CA
[email protected]