F.K.Ü. profile picture



About Me

Here then is the story written in the book of F.K.Ü…
The Masters of Horror Metal are back for the 2nd attack! The moshing beast we know as F.K.Ü., short for Freddy Kruegers Ünderwear, first raised its four ugly heads back in 1987. Then the band consisted of Pete on guitar, Pat on bass, Theo on drums and a Mexican chef called Afro on vocals. In those days they were more or less pure S.O.D. die hard disciples, to say the least! After a handful of something that was supposed to be rehearsals but more bared the resemblance of cheap beer and pizza fights, the band fell into a hiatus.
It wasn't until confronted with a strange guy called Larry in early 1997 that the band thought of bringing the slumbering beast back to life again. After the overwhelming response of the 20-song demo called "Beware of the Evil Ãœnderwear" (including hits like "Stomp and Shake (Crystal Lake)" and "You Stink") recorded in 1998, the guys decided to go for the real deal. Come 1999 and the horror metal men spends nine days in Dugout studios with Daniel Bergstrand to lay down classic tracks like "He Saw Her Today", "Maniac" and "Michael Myers Costume Party" to complete their moshing magnum opus "Metal Moshing Mad". The 22-track mosher showed the world that its still possible to have good, friendly, violent fun and create music that makes you diving to get to the nearest circle pit and mosh it out! After the release and some successful gigs at Dist 2000 and 2000 Decibel festivals as well as a lot of unforgettable club gigs the band went into a slower pace as the members also paid their dues in other metal acts, taking up more and more of their precious moshing time.
In 2004, Larry, Pete, Pat and Ted realize that what the world really needs is another dose of their patented Horror Metal Mosh, and so begins the making of their sophomore moshing masterpiece "Sometimes They Come Back... To Mosh".
This time the recording process takes place at Ted's own Blueflame studio while the recording of the vocals and the mixing once again takes place at old companion Daniel Bergstrand's Dugout studios. Once again inspired by 80's thrash and horror movies and of course, old issues of Metal Forces and cheap beer, "Sometimes They Come Back... To Mosh" moshes and slashes its way into your veins and once you've tasted this hot dish of destruction... you will end up begging for more!
Horror Metal men and women unite!
More footage from Weapons of Mosh Destruction Tour 2007
Horror Metal Moshing Machine - Live @ Kafé 44, April 25th 2008
He Saw Her Today - Live @ Kafé 44, April 25th 2008
Die Toten Core - Promo video
Footage from Weapons of Mosh Destruction Tour 2007

My Interests


Member Since: 3/23/2006
Band Website: moshoholics.com
Band Members:

Influences: 80's Thrash Metal & Horror Movies
Sounds Like:
Sometimes They Come Back... To Mosh (2005)

Metal Moshing Mad (1999)
Record Label: Head Mechanic Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Bow down to Global Domination!

Check out the Review of Sometimes they.... on the excellent metalsite Global Domination! http://www.globaldomination.se/reviews/fkue-sometimes-they-c ome-back-to-mosh...
Posted by F.K.Ü. on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 06:45:00 PST

Regarding last nights show at Kafé 44

We hardly ever do this type of thing, but since I'm still in awe over the fantastic response we got yesterday at Kafé 44 I felt I had to say something. And that is; Thanks! Thanks to everyone who came...
Posted by F.K.Ü. on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 01:54:00 PST

Pats foot says hello!

I, Pat's foot, would like to thank all you true moshoholics for all the kind words and apologize for his masters attempt to make a total Freddy Kreuger bodywork!He promises that this was his first AND...
Posted by F.K.Ü. on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 04:06:00 PST

Metal Moshing Mad re-release out now!

So finally the remastered re-release of "Metal Moshing Mad" is out and available for you to lay your filthy hands on, and why not do it right here.And if you're at the record store, why don't you pick...
Posted by F.K.Ü. on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 03:24:00 PST

New shit!

We've updated our MySpace-player with bunch of new tracks, not new as in "brand new unreleased songs", but new as in "they have not been on our MySpace-player before".Check out a track from the re-mas...
Posted by F.K.Ü. on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 01:59:00 PST

Check out the MMM-re-release-reviews

Posted by F.K.Ü. on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 12:01:00 PST

F.K.Ü. finally hits the States

Finally it looks like the bloodthirsty sewer zombies also known as F.K.Ü. will go west! West to the land of the thrash and the home of the mosh! In other words; F.K.Ü. will be playing the States.We a...
Posted by F.K.Ü. on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 01:43:00 PST

Mosh Mafia! F.K.Ü. + Italy = trüe!

Alright! So finally the time has come for the mighty moshing force knows as Freddy Krüeger's ...
Posted by F.K.Ü. on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 03:13:00 PST

Metal Moshing Mad re-issue

YUP... you got it! Here's the official press-statement from Razorback Records:Sick of generic poser thrash? Then WELCOME TO PRIME TIME, BITCH!F.K.Ü. (Freddy Krueger's Ünderwear), Sweden's Horror Thra...
Posted by F.K.Ü. on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 06:13:00 PST

Tribute album & video

Alright you filthy, disgusting, maggot-infested moshfreaks. Some fresh news for you all!We spent this past weekend in the studio recording a cover song of a band that is a big influence on the mighty ...
Posted by F.K.Ü. on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 03:45:00 PST