Scissors se formó en 2006 principios de 2007, reuniendo las influencias del Thrash Metal-Old School. Anteriormente formábamos Whalkyrias un grupo de versiones con tendencias mas hacia el rock, del cual formaban parte Abi (vocalista), Laura(guitarra solista), Irene(guitarra rÃtmica), Paola(bajo) y Angie (baterÃa). El grupo dio un giro completo cuando Irene y Angie tuvieron que abandonar el grupo. Se unió Erika como baterÃa, cambiaron el listado de versiones y estuvieron un tiempo buscando guitarrista, entrando asà Bárbara. Modificaron tanto el nombre, como el estilo, pasando de las influencias del rock hacia el thrash- death metal old school. En mayo de 2008 Abi(vocalista) abandono el grupo por motivos personales y la formación actual del grupo es Laura(guitarra solista y vocalista), Paola(bajo), Erika(baterÃa), y Bárbara(guitarra ritmica). Scissors dio su primer concierto el 30 de Enero de 2007 junto con Inanizion, a partir de ahà han participado en varios festivales como Mingatron y SevillaMetal, varios conciertos en Dos Hermanas junto con Zhangre, Killem, Renno, Crusader.. El grupo se encuentra componiendo temas propios con influencias Thrash Metal underground.
Scissors was formed in 2006 beginning of 2007, assembling the influences of the Thrash Metal-Old School. Previously we were forming Whalkyrias a group of versions with trends mas towards the rock, of which they were forming a part Abi (vocalist), Laura (lead guitar), Irene (rhythmic guitar), Paola (bass) and Angie (drums). The group gave a complete draft when Irene and Angie had to leave the group. Erika joined as drums, they changed the list of versions and were a time searching guitarist, entering this way Barbara. They modified both the name, and the style, happening from the influences of the rock towards the thrash - death metal old school. In May, 2008 Abi (vocalist) leave the group for personal motives and the current formation of the group is Laura (lead guitar and vocalist), Paola (bass) Erika (drums), and Barbara (rhythmic guitar). Scissors gave his first concert On January 30, 2007 together with Inanizion, from there they have taken part in several festivals like Mingatron and SevillaMetal, several concerts in Dos Hermanas together with Zhangre, Killem, Renno, Crusader.. The group is composing own topics with influences Thrash Metal underground.
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