JuanaLaLoca ™ profile picture

JuanaLaLoca ™

I am here for Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

I was born on November 6 as the second daughter of my parents Queen Isabella I of Castile and King Ferdinand II of Aragon. I am prone to moodiness and melancholy and prefer solitude. I am well taught by the famous Italian humanists Antonio and Alessandro Gerardino.I am fluent in most languages. Recently, I aquired books on tape to help me learn English and Esperanto. In appearance I resemble my father's mother, the beautiful Juana Enriquez, but in disposition I resemble my mother's mother, the mad Isabel of Portugal.When my Queen Mother Isabella fled to Paris after the scandal, I followed her and lived with her for a short while.There, I learned clavichord,painting and I can strum a guitar.I was sent away to live with distant relatives in the City of Holy Faith in the Southwestern part of the United States where I now live part of the time.Today,the people I share a Hacienda with are distant cousins or so they say. I shouldn't complain they leave me alone most of the time. My treasurer ROSA ALVAREZ DE ENRIQUEZ (also a cousin) shares a room next to mine and handles all of my financial affairs. I adore my tiny poodle PICCOLINA and I am blessed to have the greatest help in the world from my cook KIKA NORIEGA and my maid SOPHIE MARTINEZ. For the record, both KIKA and SOPHIE have signed a confidentiality agreement with members of my family in Madrid. Don't waste your time trying to extract information from them about me or my family,they won't tell. ROSA, on the other hand might divulge information, for a price. Sometimes I'll dine with my cousins brother and sister who never married, SIMON and MATILDE HENRIQUES. They love hearing stories about their homeland. Places they've never visited or set foot on.They just know that they're Spanish and that my mom still rules.They don't know what a scandal mom created back home and that she hasn't ruled in many years! Conversation is usually cut short when I talk about how this cousin married this cousin, or how one cousin married a Moor, or god forbid! the time sister almost married a Sephardic Jew. Then they busy themselves, change the subject, conversation ends, then I can go off to be by myself. Once I had many privileges but that all changed when I was diagnosed as being Bipolar/Manic Depressive. THEY DON'T KNOW, THEY DON'T KNOW, WHAT DO THEY KNOW, THEY JUST DON'T KNOW!! Quae nocent, saepe docent. I present to you "Juana La Loca 101"....

My figure as Queen Juana de Castile has attracted authors, composers, and artists of the romanticist movement, due to my characteristics of unrequited love, obsessive jealousy, and undying fidelity. Many later authors have followed this trend of portraying me as a lovesick, and later griefstricken, woman, preferring to focus on my love for my husband than on my mental illness. An incomplete list of these works follows:
· Felipe el Hermoso (1845) — Eusebio Asquerino and Gregorio Romero. A play in four acts. · La Locura de Amor (1855) – Manuel Tamayo y Baus. Play · Doña Juana la Loca (late 19th Cent.) – Emilio Serrano. Opera. · Juana la Loca (1877) — Francisco Pradilla. Painting (shown above). Currently in the Prado museum of Madrid, Spain. · Juana la Loca (2001) — directed by Vicente Aranda and starring Pilar Lopez de Ayala as Joanna, was nominated for 12 Goya Awards, and was released in the US as Mad Love. Based on La Locura de Amor by Manuel Tamayo y Baus. · El Pergamino de la Seduccion (2005) – Gioconda Belli. Novel in Spanish. Biographies · W. H. Prescott, Hist. of Ferdinand and Isabella (1854) · Rosier, Johanna die Wahnsinnige (Vienna, 1890) · H. Tighe, A Queen of Unrest (1907). · R. Villa, La Reina doña Juana la Loca (Madrid, 1892) · Bethany Aram, "Juana the Mad: Sovereignty and Dynasty in Renaissance Europe" (2005)
Queen of Castile and León 1504–1555 with Philip I (1504–1506) Ferdinand V (1508–1516) Charles I (1516–1555)
A list of my beautiful six children:*Eleanor (1498-1558), Queen consort first to Manuel I of Portugal and secondly to Francis I of France. *Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, King of Spain (1500-1558). *Isabella of Burgundy (1501-1525), Queen consort of Christian II of Denmark. *Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor (1503-1564). *Maria of Austria (1505-1558), Queen consort of Louis II of Hungary and Bohemia. *Catarina of Spain(1507-1578), Queen consort of John III of Portugal.


My Interests

REVERB and ECHO Reverb is interesting to me for the many layers it produces.You should try it sometime. Find a canyon somewhere and yell from the top of your lungs,speak or sing into a mic and add reverb or echo ! What is most interesting is the space between reverberation.You have to listen very closely to it, it masquerades as silence. Each layer is different than the next.Trust me. Echo engages my attention like the last breath a dying or sleeping person makes.Where does it go, echo. I don't care for vibrato.

I'd like to meet:

Kind people,a Pisces or another Scorpio, people who have a beautiful prominent proboscis, my eagle eye will zoom in to view your profile,musicians,artists,Jungians,Freudians,occultists,myst ics,physicists,poets,jugglers aerialists,travesti or castrati, astrologers and psychics.


Folk music, Moorish or African music,Latin music.Thanks to mom who made sure I learned Latin from the best teachers around. Funeral music,Dirges and Chants.


"MAD LOVE" (2001) Spain
Plot Outline: The love story who transformed Juana, Queen of Spain, into Juana "The Mad". A story of passions, lies and jealousy with a political fight behind. In 1496, Juana de Castilla, daughter of the Catholic Kings, travels to Flandes to marry the Archduke Felipe de Austria, known as 'El Hermoso' (The Handsome) and son of the emperor Maximiliano. Even though at the beginning this marriage obeys a political decision, later on passion and desire appear beneath the couple. Juana becomes queen of Spain when her mother and her older brothers die in 1504. However, due to the pressure of being queen and the discovery that her husband has many lovers, her mental health starts getting worse. Felipe, seeing his wife in these circumstances, makes the Burgos Court to declare the insanity of Juana and recludes her in the Monastry of Las Huelgas, proclaiming himself as the king.


Too many to list here. Some of them great some not so great.
Known as the Mad Queen, in her own words Juana of Castile tells the story of her life, and what a life it is - filled with passion, intrigue, and terrifying betrayal. To my relief, I found Juana to be neither self-pitying nor morbid. In her candor and wit, Juana demonstrates a singular humanity that highlights the ruthlessness of her 16th century world. She is a brave and decisive woman, far removed from the "victim" that she has so often been portrayed. Readers who known about her from films like "Mad Love" will be intrigued by Gortner's deft handling of her mental state, and surprised by her own secret admissions.