music, skate boarding, bmx, travel, food & beverages, the arts, loev, marshal arts,a good book, fashon, film etc....
A real girl!Dancin!
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Hip Hop! (contious, gangster, G-funk, miami bass, "the trippy stuff", old school, beat box, that next level shiv etc), funk (mother of hip hop & break beats), porno music, drum&bass, breaks, drill&bass, fast jungle, standard jungle, acid (techno), tribal techno, raver tecno, speedcore, Hardcore techno, hardcore punk, punk?, classical, grind core, rockabilly, some country stuff (the banjo is dope), the occasionl cheezy pop and/or bubblegum, blues, some rythem&blues, not a big jazz fan but if done tightly can be inpressive, i saw good noise? afew times, verious metal, the sound that a dialup internet makes, flatulants and there is probibly afew genres and/or alian music that i forgot. Feel free to remind me of them.
are groovy
liesOhmygod i found my fav cartoon from when i was five! Oldschool! I used to wait all day jus to wach The Wonderful Citys Of Gold.
are slowly becoming replaced by TV
Dysphemic & Wasabi