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...peace and love is the beggining towards the answer...

About Me

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You scored as Buddhism. Your beliefs most closely resemble those of Buddhism. Do more research on Buddhism and possibly consider becoming Buddhist, if you are not already.In Buddhism, there are Four Noble Truths: (1) Life is suffering. (2) All suffering is caused by ignorance of the nature of reality and the craving, attachment, and grasping that result from such ignorance. (3) Suffering can be ended by overcoming ignorance and attachment. (4) The path to the suppression of suffering is the Noble Eightfold Path, which consists of right views, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right-mindedness, and right contemplation. These eight are usually divided into three categories that base the Buddhist faith: morality, wisdom, and samadhi, or concentration. In Buddhism, there is no hierarchy, nor caste system; the Buddha taught that one's spiritual worth is not based on birth.


















Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
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You scored as Idealist. Idealism centers around the belief that we are moving towards something greater. An odd mix of evolutionist and spiritualist, you see the divine within ourselves, waiting to emerge over time. Many religious traditions express how the divine spirit lost its identity, thus creating our world of turmoil, but in time it will find itself and all things will again become one.











Cultural Creative





What is Your World View?
created with summing it up...i just want to waik up...beggining with tearing off of me the unpure sleeping monster that has been created by society, the system, and by just closedmindedness..

My Interests

...vibes of all... intermingled with your own... they all come and you feel your thoughts... you are everything...everything is you... reality manifesting itself only with the "want" of each person..

..its always up to and all about the individual.. you ..its your desision.. its what your perseption of things is about.. but then again.. you are not one.. you are infinate.. you are all.. all is just a creation of you.. its all connected.. no matter how crazy and insane the spiraling of all gets.. nomatter how deep it goes.. its never what it seems.. its just the beggining and the end for that matter.. ;~)

i like everything and it likes me.. i have intrest in connecting with nature and everything around me/us..

.. i want and try to extract the truth from this illusion that we live in..

... everyone needs to chant the messdge of peace... but not only ... we need to chant the messadges of peace yes.. but also

understanding...compation...reflection upon mostly of all... and all that is necessary for them to beggin "questioning"...

but always remember that when there is ONLY peace then there is no peace...we live in this world corupted by our own self... we create our coruption..for we are the creators of that which corupted us...and if you boil it down enough all we have done is trust our "well being" with someone whos intrest is that of only gain...we are no longer who we want to be...forced by society to not follow our will...

and who are we?? .. how do "we" fit into this equation... well we are the ones who try to fix what the other parts of us have done... so i guess you could say that us humans are the "equalizers" ... may sound geeky ... but think about it... we are the ones who tilt the scale back to normalcy... and thus the name comes... ;~)

.... but keep in mind that it could alaways turn out exactly the opposite of what you though previously... we may infact be the ones who do not "equilize" the balance of all but the ones who are making the tilt... ether way... we are the ones who will ultimately make the choise of who we want to be... what are we??? ... do you know? .. well here is an idea......ok the pic above sais it all... but here is what the code which is it... tells meyou are a nuron... yea... we knew that... your basicaly an idea...

an idea yes.. but not of "other" people. (as if that statement is true... ;~) ) .. you are an idea of yourself... you are self existing... but so is the reality you live in... whats strange is that everyone lives in a difrent reality ... and yet we all interact at all times...

so its perfectly logical to say.. that we are not humans... but difrent realities walking around.. ;~) .. there are infinate realities.. as there are infinate ideas..

of humans which in reality are ...realities... we are all made...or just maybe part of this energy ... the energy that IS everything... one could state that its the energy that is the idea...or its counterpart......ok... so were nurons looking into a mirror... we see a human because that is what you want to see... or it could even be the oposite of what you are... reflection is not normal in my opinion... its very hard to describe what happens during reflection ... so nurons seeing a human... which we believe is ourself... so since we think were a human... then well we are... if we think we are... so each human has billions of ideas per second... but we intercept lets say ..very few of them.. so each idea is a nuron firing off in our brain... which may be looking in the mirror thinking its human.. therefor it is.. and so it produces billions more of itself... and so on... but see ... here is the thing... there ALL ideas... ;~) ... our reality... ourselfs...

I'd like to meet:

all beings of mass and light.. ;~)..also i would much enjoy meeting me..

..i would like to meet "him" ..(or me)

..i would like to come accross my desire..its one thing that keeps me in the

..the one who can fully express his inner being..

..the experience of which we made ourselfs for..

..the one who him the answers will appear of of expectation..if you do not search you will not find...but he who has put asside his ego and realized that he IS all he could ever want, or want to be , does not have anything to search for...and so he is fully realized and fullfiled...

img src=" nyangnv1.jpg"


The Secret
The Secret
is released to the world! This ground-breaking feature length movie presentation reveals The Great Secret of the universe. It has been passed throughout the ages, traveling through centuries... to reach you, mankind, and humankind.

way too many to list.. i like all and any music.. ..some of my favorites..

Balancing Point

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they are good on ocasion..

Sand Splash

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sucks big time.. i try not to watch..

..instead i like to sit back and meditate under a tree..

..trying to connect with the absolute "one".. is what i like many other parts of it... am trying to acheave.. break out of this confining shell that limits our the greatest goal of all..


.. "

i have read afew..

... can ones self energy be enough on its own to connect freely as one desires??


people like me...and john was pretty cool to..

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..what is it that defines who we are?? ..
.. is it how we affect the universe simply by observing? .. that defines us? it what we believe in? .. and why.. it the spiritual evolution that we acomplish during that which we call life..
.. just think .. how could just one of these.. which lets say represents you.. affect them all.. ? . ? . ? .
.. you are an idea.. which makes ideas.. only one link .. or chapter .. how ever you see it.. or WANT to see it.. imagination.. reality.. most would call them difrent but how can anything in the world be difrent when everything is the same... forget the connection ... and you are forgoten.. in infinancy..
..stay as your thought in the present..of you..thinks as yourself in the future...all that is .. is the past predicting the now in the future of..the past...from a perspective of seeing things as they are in the NOw...
..spending you life..chasing the light..then the realization are the are the creator of the are just interpreting yourself..chasing after yourself..instead of being.
..the ever observing eyes of interpretation.. is an illusion...
..paint represents influence.. you..not a mix of everyone..what is your true collor..?
..after all.. you are your reality .. ;~)
...i love clouds...
...mandalas...realy help organize the infinate dimentional realities of all beings...showes you where YOU are... ;~)
..the reflection of you..or the "opposite" of you ... is you as much as you are..
Conan the Raver
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My Blog

conversational piece

  ...big bang...well this is only one theory...  ;~)  ...      ...but lets talk about it for a sec... first i would say you have to analize your self...before anali...
Posted by on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 03:20:00 PST

meditation links...

    Free Meditation Centers from Shambhala International:free sittings and basic instructions from actual people!Find'>">Find a location near youGeneral Me...
Posted by on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 12:10:00 PST

its been called...dancing around the fire... ;~)

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: [epps]Date: Aug 31, 2006 9:19 PM very true...choice...right...          ...its always the choise of the...
Posted by on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 06:31:00 PST