I'm extremely busy so forgive me for slow responses at times.
Scribbling painter type, alt model.
Comics and publishing company on the way.
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''Hate Humanity? Yep, sure do. There's such a lack of responsibilty for one's actions in the world, a selfishness, and a great destruction in the way people live their lives. It's all instant gratification,and who cares how my instant gratification affects those around me, or on a small personal level or a global level. The way people treat each other is truly disgusting, and we've created an environment through advances in science and technology that allows for a very septic society to thrive. And we breed and breed, and all the wrong people breed while all the right people don't wanna have children because they don't wanna place them in this world'' -Davey Havok.
"There is a fine art to being yourself and I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not." -Kurt Cobain