Musta been right around 1881 when I was killed. Like all good men, I went straight to heaven. No questions asked. Open up that fuckin' gate man, I'm a-comin' in. Just like that. But I gotta tell you. Ain't no women up in heaven. Women burn in hell. I know. I'm dead. I had to come on back down here to this earthenly planet for to find me some USDA approved slabs of slow roasted girl meat. God damn. I thought that bein's I was in heaven I'd be able to find me somethin' to eat, but the god damn meat up there's served by naked dudes with beards. No way. I ain't eatin' that shit. And it's kinda like them Chinese places too. You know, "Whoa man! What in the hell is that shit?" Every damn bite. God damn. "What in the hell am I eatin' here?"That's why I came back. Lookin' fer some zombie love. Eatin' meat. Plantin' song orchards throughout the land like a god damn musical Johnny Appleseed. Say man, you got any bones you ain't usin? I'm in need of makin' some nails fer my hammerin'. It's fer my business. I'm a. I'm a entrepreneur. Best there ever was. Need some hammerin'? All you gotta do is make a wish. I'll be there.
Slackeye Slim - No Place Fer Me
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Slackeye Slim - Looks Like I Killed Again from Jole Aron on Vimeo .
Videos by Jole Aron Videography . "No Place Fer Me" and an early version of "Looks Like I Killed Again" performed live at Unkl Ray's in Hinton, WV on August 11th, 2007.