Squeezebox Sam profile picture

Squeezebox Sam

"I do."

About Me

For once, the parents can't be blamed. Heading for early mid-life crisis at age 26, the soon-to-be-tagged Squeezebox Sam found solace in a beat-up Soprani piano accordion from a going-out-of-business music shop. Shortly, he had three-four timed his way through the Palmer Hughes Course for Accordion Book One and was ready to turn his newfound skills on the music of his long lost youth. Nothing was held sacred. He set about converting everything from Leadbelly to Johnny Cash to Social Distortion to Eazy E into the obnoxious oom-pah-pah accordion sound.
To escape the aural torment, every member of Squeezebox Sam's family moved to inland Washington State, daring him to follow and brave the 30 degree below zero winters with his whimpy Southern California bred constitution. After a short period of remorse, Squeezebox Sam permanently borrowed a Lomax compilation from the library where he worked and set about fleshing out the foundation of his musical interests with raw Americana. Finally, many lonely nights later, Squeezebox Sam unleashed his gutteral talents on the public. Armed with a repertoire that included a waltzing rendition of Social Distortion's "Ball and Chain" and a high speed one-two time medley of "Folsom Prison" and "Cocaine Blues", not to mention a thoroughly oom-pah-pahed "Ballad of Billy the Kid", Squeezebox Sam assaulted the public's sonic sensibility with repeated coffee house and open mic guerilla hit-and-runs.
He is still at large, unapprehended, and his first album (Squeezebox Sam: Squeezin' the Oldies) is a highly prized treasure amongst those who have friends and associates who refuse to believe the truly shocking nature of the performer without actually hearing the goods themselves.
When asked as to why he chose the accordion, given all the available instruments, a thoughtful Squeezebox Sam replies "Well, I always really wanted to play the tuba. But I have asthma."
Check out some of Squeezebox Sam's videos below
"Long Black Veil", an instant folk song penned by Danny Dill and Marijohn Wilkin in 1959. Recorded by the likes of Lefty Frizzell, Johnny Cash, The Chieftans, and Mike Ness, it has often sounded better... but it has never looked this good!
"Tell It To Me", an old timey standard about addiction.
Squeezebox Sam's angry retaliation against the hemhroid medication company seeking to buy the rights to Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire"
Squeezebox Sam's first music video, a rendition of "To Have and Have Not", is now available in the My Videos section. Much thanks to A.D.D. Films
Squeezebox Sam also imbibes in Roadside Americana, hot rod and kustom culture and vintage aviation, spends a lot of time looking for 29 cent gas, and believes in the preservation of all things old. Except undesirable old stuff like non-tubeless tires, racism, and liquor taxes.
This video here just makes me wanna quit while I'm ahead...
And this puts the video they made for Johnny Cash's "God's Gonna Cut You Down" to shame...
and speaking of Johnny Cash...
a little Hank, anyone?
I'm not too sure what my putting this here says about me...
Not exactly quite as radical as I imagine it, but interesting nonetheless...
while yer on here, check this guy out:
and this feller too:
At least there's some notoriety involved in this...

My Interests


Member Since: 12/2/2006
Band Members: Squeezebox Sam plays piano accordion, kazoo, stomps his foot, hollers, shouts, and sometimes squawks quite loudly
Influences: a bunch of old dead people... and a bunch who are still kicking and are probably influenced by the same old dead people

"I've labored long and hard for bread
For honor and for riches
But on my corns too long you've tread
You fine-haired sons-of-bitches
Black Bart, the Po8"

"Here I lay me down to sleep
To wait the coming morrow,
Perhaps success, perhaps defeat
And everlasting sorrow.
Yet come what will, I'll try it once,
My conditions can't be worse,
And if there's money in that box,
'Tis money in my purse.
Black Bart, the Po8"

Sounds Like:

Record Label: No Fidelity Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Think Before You Criticize...

Luke AFB is west of Phoenix and is rapidly being surrounded bycivilization that complains about the noise from the base and itsplanes, forgetting that it was there long before they were...
Posted by Squeezebox Sam on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 02:09:00 PST

Death by Accordion

My own technical problem plagued performance aside, Tuesday night the 19th at Mr. T's Bowl was a truly enigmatic experience. Not one to toot my own horn (or squeeze my own bellows, although I do do i...
Posted by Squeezebox Sam on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 05:26:00 PST

Is it my imagination...

... or are the Pirates of the Carribean movies seeming to have a lot in common with those good ole Adam and the Ants videos? I mean, all this swaggering around of 18th century pomp and pig tails as i...
Posted by Squeezebox Sam on Thu, 17 May 2007 11:20:00 PST

Littmus Losenges

"Littmus came back from the war and his whole family was dead.  His daddy died fighting.  And his mama and his sisters died from a disease and the Yankees burned his house down.  And Li...
Posted by Squeezebox Sam on Wed, 16 May 2007 11:57:00 PST

SUPERFREAKS on May 5th! Don't Miss It!

Ladies and Gentlemen, STEP RIGHT UP!!! Welcome to The SUPER FREAKS Sideshow and Revue! Featuring astounding performances from some of Los Angeles' Freakiest Folks including:GEORGE THE GIANT yes he's...
Posted by Squeezebox Sam on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 04:52:00 PST


So working late into the night has taken its toll. Or maybe it was the Sailor Jerry. But whatever takes the blame (it simply couldn't be my own damn fault) cannot change the fact that I spelled "Jes...
Posted by Squeezebox Sam on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 07:26:00 PST

God's Gonna Cut You Down

Johnny Cash left us with probably the most imploring appeal of his long life of music in "God's Gonna Cut You Down".  Somehow, in this song more than any other, he finally transcended that o...
Posted by Squeezebox Sam on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 10:26:00 PST

The Casulaties who?

You know, I have nothing personal for or against the Casualities... I've never been particularly impressed by them, but I have no reason to dislike them either.  But the other day I was reading s...
Posted by Squeezebox Sam on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 09:17:00 PST

Well Whiskey and other Travesties

Open Bar from 8-9pm boast the Coupe DeVille shows at the Derby these days.  And open bar it is, as long as you are willing to consume libations concocted of the well versions of whiskey, rum, or ...
Posted by Squeezebox Sam on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 07:21:00 PST

I played the Talking Stick!

Unfortunately, it wasn't one of my greater moments! heh. Apparently, in the words of the great John Wayne, my playing "was off". Don't know what caused it, but when ya gotta slop around John Hardy t...
Posted by Squeezebox Sam on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 05:37:00 PST