"À la niche Jason et Freddy! Voici BAGMAN, le roi incontesté de la boucherie sanguinaire, comme va l'apprendre à ses dépens, une sale petite bande de râclures."-Carnior
"Here comes the BAGMAN, the undisputed king of bloody massacre. Or so will learn, the hard way, a small gang of wannabe gangsters."-Carnior
Réalisé par/Directed by: Anouk Whissell, François Simard et/and Jonathan Prévost
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Le BAGMAN Profession:Meurtrier DVD
BAGMAN, Profession:Meurtrier (Profession:Murderer)
RoadkillSuperstar 2004
lenght: 20 Min. (+ 55 Min. (Bonus + Extra)
English Subtitles (feature movie only)
Bonus, 6 shorts:
Chez Tony Spaghetti
Itsy Bitsy Grampy - Jury's Prize - Glitchfest2004
La Roue Faucheuse
2 Morts - Public's prize + goriest movie - Festival SPASM2003
Le BAGMAN 2001
20$ CAD - Shipping inclus, tous les fonds amassés seront réinvestis dans le prochain BAGMAN. Merci de votre aide!!!
20$ CAD - Shipping included, all funds will be reinvested in the next BAGMAN movie. Thanks for helping us out!!!
"Sam Raimi - eat your heart out. Finally, someone has found a way to match Sam the man in the realm of cinematic cartoon carnage. Call it an over the top and totally gratuitous goofy gorefest, but Bagman is a balls to the wall blast and a half. Of course, when matched against Mr. Evil Dead, it takes three filmmakers to finally equal one Fake Shemp, and the non-stop killing does grow a wee bit derivative after a while. But with kinetic filmmaking, inventive deaths, and a full blown foreign language facet, this movie is like watching a long lost Peter Jackson opus. Indeed, this film plays more like a riff on Bad Taste and Dead Alive than something out of an American oeuvre. Though it doesn't make much of a point - it's just set up and then TONS of slaughter - this is a truly entertaining and innovative work. Our sick and twisted trio of filmmakers should be proud."
4.5/5 Bill Gibron - DVD talk
"This was one of the best films I saw at Park City. (...) With every kill, this film seems to out-do itself. You start thinking to yourself by the 5th death, that there's no way they can possibly think of another new and clever, sick, disgusting way of killing somebody. But guess what? They do. All the way up to the very end."
4.5/5 Shane Ryan- Alterego Cinema
"Normalement, horreur-web.com ne critique pas les courts métrages, mais Bagman, Profession: Meurtrier mérite qu'on fasse exception à la règle. (...) Bagman m'a fait penser à ce à quoi ressemblerait le carnage de Jason Voorhees s'il était mis en scène par Peter Jackson (Bad Taste, Dead Alive). (...) Je ne suis pas quelqu'un qui a la fibre patriotique très développée. Je ne vous dirai donc pas d'écouter Bagman parce qu'il a été réalisé par des Québécois. Ce que je vous dis par contre, c'est d'écouter ce film car il est jouissif en tabarnak!"
4/5 horreur-web.com