Art, photography, mischief, body art, piercing, horror movies, making things awkward…
I’m pretty easy with my music, I listen to a lot of different stuff.. here’s some bands that have recently whispered in my ear..
The Berzerker, Mayhem, Behemoth, Tool, Queens of the Stone Age, Nirvana, The Haunted, Black Funeral, Dark Tranquility, Mortician, Ten Masked Men, Ministry, Strapping Young Lad, A Perfect Circle, Slayer, Legion of Doom, Rammstein, Aphex Twin, Sneaker Pimps, Melt Banana, Despair Nation, Mu Chan Clan, Joan of Ass, Peaches……
Horror I love zombie and cannibal movies!! Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, Land of the Dead, Italian horror, Cannibal Holocaust, Cannibal Ferox, the Japanese Ring serious, Dark Water, a Tale of Two Sisters, Juon, Three, Audition, Uzumaki, Ichi the Killer, The Thing, American Werewolf in London, Hellraiser, Event Horizon, Creep Show, Omen, old Hammer horror movies, Vampire Lovers, Exorcist, Tetsuo Iron Man, Cube. Slaughtered Vomit Dolls, Scrapbook, August Underground, Irreversible, Demons 1 and 2, Emmanuelle and the last cannibal, Emmanuelle in America, Nekromantik 1 and 2, Anthropophagus.
Foreign In the Mood for Love, Chunking Express, Amlie, My Sassy Girl, Battle Royale, City of God, La Haine, Man Bites Dog, Plastic Tree, Pie
Fantasy Clash of the Titans, Jason and the Argonauts, Simbad (all in the series), Godzila (all the Japanese ones), Legend
Animation Akira, Ninja Scroll, Ghost in the Shell, Urotsukidoji, Devil Man, all the Hayao Miyazaki movies.. My Neighbor Totoro, Spirited Away etc etc Perfect Blue
Martial Arts anything Jacky Chan, especially his early movies like Drunken master, Meals on Wheels, Dragons Forever, My Lucky Star, Project A, all the Bruce Lee movies, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Twilight Samurai, Seven Samurai, the Lone Wolf and Cub movies, Spooky Encounters, Mr Vampire, Prodigal Son
I dont really watch television much anymore but when I do its mostly cartoons.
Cartoons - Sponge Bob Square Pants, Futurama, Family Guy, Invader Zim... and not forgetting cheesy 80s cartoons!
Other Stuff Jam, Brass Eye, Spaced, Monkey Dust
I also watch random weird educational programs too well i say educational but most of the time they just make me laugh.. 'troll chin'...
I don’t tend to read much but when I find something I like I can get into it quite a lot.. I’m fond of comics and graphic novels, more so Japanese horror anime comics.. Junji Ito being my favourite for his Gyo comics and Uzumaki trilogy. I’ve recently got into Alan Moore’s books too. Chuck Palahniuk is one author who’s books I love to read, I’ve read nearly all his books but by far my favourite are, Diary, Choke and Invisible Monsters. I’ve also got a large collection of anatomy and interesting reference books, just anything that will inspire me or give me some help with my sculptures.
One of my biggest heroes is Ray Harryhausan, watching his movies from like a age of 3 years old got me on the right path which lead me to where I am now. I met him not too long ago at a book signing.. He said he couldn’t possibly pronounce my name..