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"Si tu madre quiere un rey, la baraja tiene cuatro: rey de oros, rey de copas, rey de espadas, rey de bastos."
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Postal homenatge a Enzo G. Castellari per el Festival de Sitges 2007.
Cryptshow Festival
Cryptshow Festival is a project that wants to promote the fantastic and terror genre in all their possible artistic expressions. Cinema, illustration, music... all will be together in the same place on July the 12th, 13th and 14th. The "Café Suau" (St. Adrià del Besos Barcelona) will get full of exhibitions, short and full-length film's showings and DJ sessions. On top of this, gore, shoutings, alcohol...All in all, it is a genre apology.
Butanoman on-line comic book. Segueix les irregulars aparicions de Butanoman a la xarxa