Romance. Metaphysics. Physics. Quantum Mechanics. Art. Performing Arts. People. Women. Nature. Politics. Religion. Technology. Epistemology. Philosophy. Anthropology. Sociology. Women. Female Anatomy. Anatomy. Female Psychology. Psychology. Science. Pseudo Science. Wierd Science. Astral Projection. Space Travel. Extraterrestrials. Aliens. The French. Stage Magic. Real Magic. Music. Women. History. Herstory. Woman: Isabella Rossellini. Cate Blanchett. Uma Thurman. Emmy Rossum.
Washington. Lincoln. Velikovsky. Dostoevsky. Ouspensky...
Diebold Accidentally Leaks Results Of 2008 Election Early
Eclectic: Moody Blues. Santana. Eric Sardinas. Moody Blues. Beatles. Classical. Orchestral. Stage & Movie Musical Soundtracks. Dean Martin. Moody Blues. Jazz. Blues. Keeley Smith. Really... almost anything but cRAP or HIP-HOP.
I have over 250 movies in my Top Ten List! I have a Ten Point Rating System. With Decimals! I love movies! There are more than 20 movies that I have seen more than 20 times apiece -- on the big screen, during their original theatrical release. And dozens of others that I have watched as many times, on VHS or DVD.
Rarely. Whenever, mostly Cartoon Network. Futurama. Spongebob. King of the Hill. News. Weather. Superbowl. That's about it.
Likewise, LOVE books. Rarely novels anymore. Mostly history. Although I just reread Brothers Karamozov for the fourth time. New translation. Excellent. I have over one thousand books in my personal library. I used to read three or four books a week, but I am so busy flailing about in my many enterprises that I read only a few books a month.
My daughter. My three sons. Each one of them has far surpassed me in character and accomplishments. No man could ask for more, hope for more, nor derive a greater satisfaction, than from this.