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counterfactual anger

About Me

Hi I’m Ryan, my friends call me Ralston, my really good friends call me Link. No one calls me Link. They call me Jew-boy, philistine, doe boy jr., ry-ry, ry-guy, linky-loo, linky-stinky, the missing link, Ryan the scientist, the scientist, the Ryantist, the chief Ryantologist, and the Non Doctor. What kind of name is it that you have to earn? Nicknames mostly, but in rare cases one must earn their own names, or middle names. No one calls me Link.Only books and talk of them, and word-throwing, please me. I will be a bad teller so long as I am nauseated by everything else. Browbeaten and pistol-whipped, my stark reality consists of force-feeding a number-cruncher already tattooed or nuanced on its filmy dermis by the previous entry; the dry-heaving of words from under the upper-lip of consciousness; pissing time off the foreskin of being, with countless recollections of uncircumcised pride; waiting out the unseasoned hibernation of insanity, like a time bomb or a government bond... Very consciously--I have to wrench it from my mind--do I recall that 'L' follows 'K' (J-K-L being the only sequence on the keyboard) or that five and eight make thirteen. This is every time. My only successful jobs were abecedarian in every sense, and I say successful because I wasn't fired over the alphabet. I used to be a tardy librarian, a data tape librarian who totaled the company car, and at the bookstore, a talkative and defiant loafer. It turns out the only thing I'm good at I'm not that good at--wondering if 'V' precedes 'W' and having a blindspot for 'G' that could not possibly have 'F' as an antecedant, as tho by virtue of a hiccup. Now I am a night auditor in a hotel with a painful goulash of room numbers and names, either of which perfectly fine as go-by's for pigeonholing assholes of the same feather, but whose mutual use would seem to defy some unspoken universal law against organizational bigamy. There's no two ways about it: one gets rubbed. Cain's sacrifice was as bloody as Abel's, and the same gold that made the calf also made the covenant: one must die, and the other devoutly worshiped. And this is no light decision: to reckon with by letters or by numbers. The poop of it is the decision has already been made by the computer, and that the automatic doors yield as swiftly for an old woman as the pit bull wandering into the lobby. The stink of it is that the owners now want me at both of their hotels, the hovel being catalogued by room numbers, and the castle by last names. I'm flummoxed enough to quite and run away again, and they're desperate enough to call me back all over. The subways in Chicago, on the other hand, were arranged by color
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for matt cross

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Advanced Global Personality Test Results

Extraversion |||||||||||||| 56%
Stability |||| 20%
Orderliness || 10%
Accommodation |||||||||||| 43%
Interdependence |||||||||||| 43%
Intellectual |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Mystical |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Artistic |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Religious |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Hedonism |||||||||| 36%
Materialism |||||||||||||||| 70%
Narcissism |||||||||| 36%
Adventurousness |||||||||||| 50%
Work ethic |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Self absorbed |||||||||| 36%
Conflict seeking |||||||||||||| 56%
Need to dominate |||||||||||| 43%
Romantic |||||||||||| 50%
Avoidant |||||||||||| 43%
Anti-authority |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Wealth |||||||||||||||| 70%
Dependency |||||||||||| 43%
Change averse || 10%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Individuality |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Sexuality |||||| 30%
Peter pan complex |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Physical security |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Physical Fitness |||||||||| 37%
Histrionic |||||||||||||||| 63%
Paranoia |||||||||||||||| 70%
Vanity |||||||||||| 50%
Hypersensitivity |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Female cliche |||||| 23% Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
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rap--old school and middle school but no rat-a-tat-tat-tat. I dig baroque music and Bach and especially Mozart, Wu-tang clan, Public Enemy, Boogie Down Productions. I enjoy every kind of music and feel sorry for anyone who hears something they don't like. The more you enjoy, the more you enjoy!


Movies are for distracting people so I can think in peaceQuotes"Well, as soon as you get away from actual poetic forms, rhyme, meter, etc., there is no line between prose and poetry. From my way of thinking, many poets are simply lazy prose writers." --William S Burroughs "We are certainly not to relinquish the evidence of experiments for the sake of dreams and vain fictions of our own devising..." Sir Isaac Newton, Principia"Quiet fruitfulness. The born aristocrats of the spirit are not overeager; their creations blossom and fall from the trees on a quiet autumn evening, being neither rashly desired, not hastened on, nor supplanted by new things. The wish to create incessantly is vulgar, betraying jealousy, envy, and ambition. If one is something, one does not actually need to do anything--and nevertheless does a great deal. There is a type higher than the “productive” man."----Nietzsche, 210, Human, All Too Human


My own poetic outhouse at


."And a third kind of possession and madness comes from the Muses. This takes hold upon a gentle and pure soul, arouses it and inspires it to songs and other poetry, and thus by adorning countless deeds of the ancients educates later generations. But he who without the divine madness comes to the doors of the Muses, confident that he will be a good poet by art, meets with no success, and the poetry of the sane man vanishes into nothingness before that of the inspired madmen." [Plato, Phaedrus 245a]/////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////Simonton, 1999, Oxford Press: “Moreover, among the various types of creative activities, illustrious scientist appeared more stable than did distinguished artists and authors. To offer specifics, whereas only 28% of the notables in the natural sciences experienced some sort of mental disorder, psychological problems plagues 60% of the composers, 73% of the visual artists, 74% of playwrights, 77% of fiction writers, and 87% of the poets. The last figure seems to endorse Thomas Macaulay’s comment: ‘Perhaps no person can be a poet, or even enjoy poetry, without a certain unsoundness of mind.’ It is interesting to note that Ludwig has more recently shown how parallel differentials hold with specific creative domains, depending on whether the emphasis is on logic, objectivity, and formalism or on intuition, subjectivity, and emotionalism. In painting, for example, only 22% of painters practicing a formal style exhibited some form of mental disorder, whereas this incidence rate increased to 52% for those painting in a symbolic style and to 75% for painters who expressed themselves in an emotive style. According to Ludwig, the data display the fractal characteristic of ‘self-similarity’. The same pattern that separates leaders from creators, and then divides scientific creators from artistic creators, also permeates down various levels of resolution, culminating in the stylistic contrasts within a single creative domain, such as in painting… ....First, although creative geniuses seem to exhibit above-average psychopathological symptoms, these levels are seldom so high as to translate into total mental and emotional deterioration. Indeed, if they do suffer from such extreme degrees of disturbances, their creative careers terminate, whether by suicide or complete intellectual or emotional incapacitation. Consequently, creative individuals tend to exhibit symptoms midway between those of the normal and abnormal personality. Dryden captured the fine distinction when he composed the often quoted lines ‘Great Wits are sure to Madness near ally’d, / And thin Partitions do their Bounds divide.’ Second, creative geniuses tend to possess other cognitive and emotional resources that help to channel and contain any potential psychopathology. Besides superior intelligence, eminent creators will possess considerable ’ego-strength’ and other traits of personal fortitude and self-discipline. These moderating attributes enable creators to exploit the strange ideas that fill their heads without allowing those ideas to take over the organization of their personality. Such traits allow a person to engage in the full range of behaviors required for creative accomplishment. Albert Rothenberg has provided excellent examples in his psychiatric studies of the creative process in both schizophrenic and authentic poets. Unlike true poets, schizophrenic poets refuse to revise their initial drafts, revealing an inability to adopt a more objective perspective on their work. They are all inspiration without verification, variation without selection… …At the low end of this dimension are those people who are socialized, conventional, and conformist but also empathetic and altruistic. Such low scorers are not only normal, but perfectly well adjusted for life in human society. At the high end of this dimension are those who are impulsive, egocentric, antisocial, impersonal, hostile and aggressive, at times to a criminal degree, and who, at the higher extremities, display tendencies toward psychopathic, affective, and schizophrenic disorders. According to Eysenck, although high scores are associated with appearance of pronounced psychopathology, moderately high scores are also linked with the manifestation of exceptional creativity. A considerable amount of psychometric research, in fact, supports this assertion….Eysenck began by recognizing the creator’s need for an exceptional reservoir of remote associations that will provide a rich source of divergent responses. He then reviewed an impressive number of empirical studies showing that psychoticism positively correlates with performance on word association tests as well as on various measures of divergent thinking. Individuals scoring higher on psychoticism do indeed seem more capable of producing a large quantity of unusual ideas…People with just the right amount of psychoticism would be prone to have all sorts of seemingly irrelevant ideas pop into their heads almost randomly, and without control. Even if not meaningful in themselves, this chaotic influx of ideas can prime new chains of associations that lead to insights otherwise missed…However, it is not too far-fetched to conjecture that mental disorder maybe the unfortunate consequence of inheriting too much proclivity for proteanism…Rather the creative genius may reside at the delicate neutral point between the highly fit protean intellect and the sadly unfit pathological mind. Perhaps only the greatest creators can stand at the very pivot between success and failure.”

My Blog

they never see you again

they never see you again/or, how we made it thru the Inquisition/fearhas lessdanger thanbraveryand isquicker thanangeryou willwatchyour best friendget beatwithin aninchof hislifeandyouwilllistento the...
Posted by Link on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 10:22:00 PST

Solution to a Solution; or, Go Fuck Yourself

Solution to a Solution; or, Go Fuck Yourself/for thamyris and george/how is itto free Spinozawhen anger is nothe had towhen I can no morebe mad atthe moon for makingtides riseand then jesusspoke to me...
Posted by Link on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 10:17:00 PST

Letter to the God Maker {a fragment}

that the terrestrial heavens and celestial heavens operate under different principles and therefore must effect man differently is a cosmic mistake none other than Newton himself abolished.  yet ...
Posted by Link on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 10:12:00 PST

The Genius

genius confuses easily.  and is gullible enough to write it down.  and fool enough to take this confusion too seriously. so he gives you a report of casually orchestrated accidents. &nb...
Posted by Link on Thu, 18 Sep 2008 04:29:00 PST

Tall-Tale penis

Tall-Tale penis/for the common man/i whipped it out andshe was likewho you gonna satisfywith thatMe i saidI was cruising homethe other nightthinkinga long dong can dojust about any positionbut i can m...
Posted by Link on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 02:11:00 PST


SPACE/dedicated to Piaget/"&the point is and arrow facing you."Boundariesmake sensewhenwe separate rooms with a wallor divide a wall with linesor cut a line at some pointI knew a noble fool who saidhe...
Posted by Link on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 02:07:00 PST

Page 69

Page 69Huysmans made me put out a candle with a tear. melting the wax to the table. The table ablaze. I painted my interior white. I threw out everything. They accused me of many things, they have not...
Posted by Link on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 02:05:00 PST


Magnetogravitationshe's all tits and tattoosstretching and shrinkingwith timebut even the stretch marks of earthis damn finethe uterus ofsuperfluous divine firepregnant on hardironshe'll find herSanch...
Posted by Link on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 02:03:00 PST

How I Got To Be Such A PUSSY

How I Got To Be Such A PUSSY/dedicated to Slay and KO Perez [Villa-Senor]  and to all the crazy motherfuckers back in Amarillo/where I come fromI'm a pussylet me tell you whyor just howhow is eno...
Posted by Link on Wed, 03 Sep 2008 03:52:00 PST

Looking for Pussy

Looking for Pussy  [rebroadcast]My wife is going to divorce meshe is going to kill me then she is going to divorce meYou think this is allegorythis happenedThey wanna talk about confessional poet...
Posted by Link on Wed, 03 Sep 2008 03:48:00 PST