Bringing down evildoers who would torment or enslave the people of Earth, standing up / speaking up for the freedom of the human soul, rescuing animals, helping orphans, stick fighting, climbing trees, eating bananas, sniffing bananas, picking bananas, peeling bananas, composting banana peels, sharing my bananas with hungry people, flinging poo at mean people, and shiny pretty!!!!
Other superheroes that will stand with me in the fight against evil! Superheroes unite!
Any evildoers and minions of my arch nemesis...yeah, I'd like to meet the likes of you. Especially the man who put the "ar!" in "nefarious" - The Zookeeper. That will be a meeting to remember...
Oh, and Curious George of course.
Opera, pretty much anything but organ grinder music. Large music boxes are horrid as well.
All the Batman movies, Catwoman, Constantine, Daredevil, Elektra, Fantastic Four, Ghost Rider, Green Lantern, The Hulk, Sin City, Spiderman, Spiderman 2, All the Superman movies, The Incredibles, Mystery Men, V for Vendetta, Wonder Woman, X-Men, X2: X-Men United, X-Men 3 The Last Stand, Curious George, George of the Jungle, Tarzan, King Kong, Dunston Checks In, Bedtime for Bonzo, MVP - Most Valuable Primate, Monkey Business,
Who Wants to be a Superhero?
Psycho-Cybernetics, by Maxwell Maltz; Curious George books
Every man, woman, or child out there who chooses the way of love, peace, and harmony. YOU are the superheros who will change this world!
Also Curious George.