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Agenda /// Come and listen to me...
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let's celebrate my b-day together...Come and join us virtually on this sunday 27.05 from 20:00 or for real at Redbar brussels to celebrate 4 birthdays!
saturday 14/07/07: Gentsefeesten un-(but most kickin')official after party at mariana's workshop(gent)... more details soon.........
friday 31/09/07: outsoon fm mix at fmbrussel
saturday 08/09/07: sandra"namissy" b-day at stereosushi antwerpen
saturday 15/09/07: gig at le roi des belges place st géry 1000 bxl
saturday 08/10/07: WAX club boulevard anspach 1000 BRUXELLES
saturday 03/11/07: gig at le Belgica, rue marché au charbon with Dj Denis
saturday 17/11/07: gig at le roi des belges place st géry 1000 bxl
saturday 01/12/07: Stereo sushi Antwerpen with Dj DEEP & MURVIN JAY...
saturday 21/12/07: gig at le roi des belges place st géry 1000 bxl
monday 31/12/07: mission to venus with fox and chocapic at barrio
friday 08/02/08: gig at le roi des belges place st géry 1000 bxl
friday 22/02/08: gig at the wax club anspach boulevard 1000 BXL
saturday 23/02/08: gig at Dali's bar petite rue des bouchers 1000 bxl
saturday 08/03/08: Carinetje B-DAY at Eet Café Ghent!!! with my old party animals friends... It's gonna be a gooooood one!!!!!
friday 14/03/08: gig at Belgica rue du marché au charbon 1000 BXL