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Techno-pop, punk, pop, electro, chanson, indie, trash, bolero...
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Gentleman prefer blondes Sunset Boulevard Some like it Hot Mulholland Drive In the mood for love Un chien andalou Bonnie and Clyde Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios Toy Story Kika The Rocky Horror Picture Show Gilda The Hustler Breakfast at Thyffany's ¿Qué he hecho yo para merecer esto? Rebecca La Jetée
Desperate housewives, Saint Seiya, Beverly Hills 90210, Al salir de clase, Ranma, Jem, Sailor Moon...
The picture of Dorian Gray, The Black Cat, The wonderful wizard of Oz, Entremeses, Voyage au centre de la Terre, Afrodita...
Oscar Wilde, Gustav Klimt, Billy Wilder, Tomas Moro, Helmut Newton, Ralf and Florian...