Writing, volunteer work, reading...
Other readers who enjoy a well written story.
U2 (the greatest rock band in the entire world who I've been privileged to see in concert 17 times in the last 20 years), Maroon5, Green Day, Bruce Springsteen, The Clash, Sting...
Star Wars (particularly the first three movies), the Lord of the Rings trilogy, From Hell, The Mummy, The Mummy Returns, Pirates of the Caribbean 1 & 2, The Incredibles, Cars, Silence of the Lambs, Goodfellas, the Princess Bride, Spinal Tap...
LOST, Law & Order: Criminal Intent...that's all besides Dora the Explorer and Go Diego Go! I get to watch, ya'll. I have little kids. What do you do?
Among my very favorites? The Hobbit, the Lord of the Rings books by Tolkien, The Stand by Steven King, Intensity by Dean R. Koontz, The Constant Gardener by John LeCarre.
My husband, first and foremost. My mother-in-law. Every woman who comes into the women's shelter where I volunteer. Bono for this efforts to help those without.