Music, girls, friends...
Metalheads, rockers and musician...
80's glam metal, heavy, thrash, prog, power, hard rock, death and black metal, a bit of blues, jazz and folk ...
Star Wars, indiana jones,the matrix, he untauchables, pulp fiction, hero, the last samurai, the crow,the boondock saints, Frankenstein Jr...
The Simpson, family guy, futurama, Dr. house M.D...
The dirt (my bible), Dracula, LOTR, The picture of Dorian Gray, il bar sotto al mare,Andrea Camilleri, Appunti partigiani...
Nikki Sixx, Darth Vader,Che Guevara, Chuck Schuldiner, Steve Harris, subcomandante Marcos, Tommy Lee,J.R.R. Tolkien , Oscar Wilde, Beppe Grillo, Giacomo Leopardi, Pino Scotto, Dylan dog,Jim Morrison, and anyone who does something for the others and does it without expecting anything in return, I Partigiani, sopratutto i PARTIGIANI!...