ORDER OF THE HOLY ROSE profile picture



About Me

The Order is an anglican-catholic order in the apostolic succession
and affiliated with Bishop Ralph Napierski
Mother Superior Eliora Anat
Dear Visitor,
The Order of the Holy Rose is delighted at your interest in dedicating yourself to the service of the Lord in your daily life. We are very blessed by your interest in the Order of the Holy Rose.We dedicate our service to the Infinite Light of our Lord Jesus Christ. We celebrate His Light shining through Holy Mary; St Mary Magdalene, St. Hildegard of Bingen; St Theresa of Avila, St Therese of Lisieux, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Benedict and many other holy souls.Our order, which is open to lay-people and clergy alike has been founded by Sigrid (Ziggy) Agocsi (Eliora Anat) to offer the Infinite Light of our Lord to those who want to leave darkness and despair behind, and to share in the joy of those already touched by it, and foremost to prepare the return of Our Lord Jesus Christ unto us and to lead through our own small example in our daily lives to live in the principle of love and understanding to manifest the heavenly kingdom on earth.We are a canonised Anglican-Catholic Order affiliated with Bishop Ralph Napierski in union with the Roman Catholic church and we are open to lay-members and to clergy alike. We are following the Anglo-Catholic tradition but are also open to members of all other catholic and apostolic churches. In the light of the votes for women bishops at the recent General Synod we clearly state here that we are faithful to the apostolic succession and therefore we do not recognise any women priests or bishops. Thanks to our affiliation with Bishop Ralph Napierski we are in the apostolic succession and in union with Rome and can worship in our treasured Anglo-Catholic tradition without compromise. We support Pope Benedict XVI. wholeheartedly.We are here to serve our worldwide community wherever we live and to provide for the spiritual needs of those who ask for our help: * prayers * sacred chanting in the tradition of Hildegard von Bingen * Marian School for Contemplative Arts * Matching a catholic (Anglo-Catholic and other catholic and apostolic church) priest for spiritual direction and/or parish with those looking to return to the church and who are in need of confession * Supportive services, training and events for the benefit of clergy, parishes and for spiritual nourishment in general *Anyone can join us, whether married or single or divorced, who live their lives like others of their profession, but who privately take up practices of austerity, recite some liturgical Office, and wear some symbol of their devotion.Everyone is welcome to join us in prayer, chanting and online as member of our community and students of our academy. Our spiritual care is open to those of any religious belief or none.We are a small but growing Order and eventually are preparing to set up into chapters. We have an ordained Mother Superior, and hold regular meetings. As we are only a young order we are still in the planning stage for retreats and events but watch this space from early next year for times and details.We have three different 'circles' of membership:* Outer circle: Members who join the circle like a "club" like on myspace, facebook and other online communities of the OHR and who help and take part in some projects. * Middle circle: Members, who join the circle for a special time period. * Inner circle: Members, who dedicated their life to the order. You are warmly invited to contact us for any healing and prayer requests for yourself or a friend or loved one, or when you need personal spiritual guidance in times of distress and bereavement (details s. below).May the Infinite Light of our Lord shine brightly upon you, keep and protect you from all harm, evil and anxiety and fill your very heart and soul always with His love and peace!Peace be with you!God bless you!Eliora Anat Mother Superior Order of the Holy Rose Here begins the Rule of the Brothers and Sisters of theORDER OF THE HOLY ROSEIn the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.1. The Professed Brother or Sister is authorized to use the abbreviations Br.or Sr. before their name (Brothers Sisters Order of the Holy Rose, OHR) after their name, and to use the term of Friar (males only), Brother, Sister. ( Example: Sr Eliora Anat, OHR)2. We are a canonised Anglo-Catholic Order affiliatied with Bishop Ralph Napierski and we are in union with the Roman-Catholic church. We are open to lay-members and to clergy alike. We are following the Anglo-Catholic tradition and support Pope Benedict XVI. wholeheartedly. Anyone can join us, whether married or single or divorced, who live their lives like others of their profession, but who privately take up practices of austerity, recite some liturgical Office, and wear some symbol of their devotion.Membership3. Their are three basic levels of membership:* Outer circle: Members who join the circle like a "club" like on myspace, facebook and other online communities of the OHR and who help and take part in some projects. * Middle circle: Members, who join the circle for a special time period. * Inner circle: Members, who dedicated their life to the order.* Middle Circle Membership: Members are discerning their calling to the Brothers and Sisters of the Order of the Holy Rose and will begin to implement the Rule of the Order in their daily lives, whatever their background. They will be in regular contact with the Mother Superior or the Director for Novices during this discernment process.* Inner circle: Members, who dedicate their lives to the order.The members can decide to enter the vowed life with the Brothers and Sisters of the Order of the Holy Rose. During this time, the Brother or Sister will study more deeply the teaching of the Church, as well as the lives and ministries of our Patrons. The Brother or Sister is also expected to live the Rule of the Order. They will be living the Rule, and continue to study the faith. They will have implemented some form of ministry in their community or parish, and are expected to nurture a strong prayer life, as well as Bible study.4. Purpose The purpose of the Brothers and Sisters of the Order of the Holy Rose is to make our Lord Jesus Christ known and loved everywhere by following the examples of our patrons, as we live out our Christian journey and to lead and live by example to prepare for His return unto us and to prepare the path for the heavenly kingdom on earth.We serve our local community as well as in all ways that the Holy Spirit guides us towards. The Brothers and Sisters of the Order of the Holy Rose are a Catholic blended community of laity. We are bound together for the purpose of fellowship, prayer, support, encouragement, and spiritual growth and development. We have a common desire to know more about Secular Religious life and spirituality and how to live it in our daily lives in the world.The Brothers and Sisters of the Order ot the Holy Rose seek to be faithful to the prayer of Jesus in John 17, that "they may all be one." We seek to live a full Catholic spirituality, to love and serve God; to seek and share the truth of the Gospel; to build toward a world of peace; and to provide spiritual and social services to a hurting and troubled world. The care and education the Order of the Holy Rose gives to the public is open to those of any religious belief or none.The Brothers and Sisters of the Order of the Holy Rose seek those people called to serve God and His creation in a variety of ways. Since we do not live in a monastery, we live our chosen catholic charisms in the daily life of the world. We have vocations as artists, doctors, lawyers, musicians, scientists, authors, poets, nurses, film-makers, medical technicians, teachers, police officers, consultants, managers, hospice caregivers, and many other backgrounds. We each have active forms of ministry and exercise our spiritual gifts and talents as the Lord enables us to do so.The Brothers and Sisters of the Order of the Holy Rose are open to all practicing Anglo-Catholics, whether married or single, male or female. lay person or clergy.5. A Life of Spiritual Growth in Jesus ChristSpiritual Growth in Jesus Christ is ongoing, putting on the mind of Jesus Christ to "Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel" (Mark 1:15). Penance is conversion from doing things in worldly, selfish ways to doing them God's way. This cannot be done without some self-denial, for the Lord Himself said that we must "deny ourselves, take up our crosses, and follow Him" if we are to be His disciples (Luke 9:23). Penance makes it possible to literally fulfill this Gospel admonition in our daily lives.6. Brothers and Sisters of the Order of the Holy Rose are to live converted to God, in a loving, Christ-like relationship with each other. They are to maintain chastity according to their state in life and to follow the dictates of the Church regarding sexual activity and family planning. Penitents should not undertake physical acts of self-denial or mortification beyond those of this Rule without the permission of their spiritual director, or religious superior. A life of spiritual growth in Jesus Christ should always be undertaken with humility, joy, and holy prudence! Unless communities of Brothers and Sisters are voluntarily formed, according to Church law and following this rule, the Brothers and Sisters of the Order of the Holy Rose are living in their own homes. They are to simplify and sanctify their lives, with the grace of the Holy Spirit, in the following of this rule.7. Formation of GroupsAfter a vote has been taken, a letter of intention of a group formation will be sent to the to the Mother Superior. It will contain the Signatures of the first 2 members that are still involved, certifying the vote results in the case of Circle, or the signatures of the first 6 in the case of a Community.8. There are three types of group formations:o Isolated Member..... One member o Circle........................ Two - Five menbers o Community.............. Six or more membersProfessed Prayer For Brothers & Sisters, at all times in public, a crucifix must be visibly worn either around the neck, in the form of a brooch, or a tie-tac.9. HolinessChrist calls all Christians to holiness, The Brothers and Sisters of the Order of the Holy Rose put forth increased efforts in answering that call to the formation of greater Holiness, as they travel the road of discipline with fellow travelers.10. The Bible The Brothers & Sisters of the Order of the Holy Rose must know the scriptures. We must be able to defend the teachings of the Church using the Bible alone when necessary. It is required that we spend 15 minutes each day reading them. Remember the Holy Spirit will never contradict what it has taught for the last 2000 years through the Church.11. HabitFull habits are optional and only worn by members of the middle and inner circle. The standard habit for these brothers and sisters will consist of the following:* White tunic with or without hood (design will be provided) * a small red rose embroidered on the tunic (design/pattern will be provided) * a red and a green cord with three knots: red for the Passion of Christ, the fire of Pentecost, Sacred Heart;St Mary Magdalene; green: the colour of life and the trimph of life over death * Celtic Cross(Note) Members can make their own habit or order it. Please contact us for more information.Wearing of the habit is appropriate but optional at all functions of the Order, at your own church with the permission of the pastor, at monastic meetings of any kind, working in ministry, and retreats - or at any time we are representing the order. One may also choose to wear the habit at home.12. Remember that the wearing of a full habit is only OPTIONAL. As long as clothing is in good taste and the crucifix is being worn, the dress code of members will be entirely dependent on their professional and life situation.Note: We understand that some members may have vocations such as military or law enforcement where it is not possible or permissible to wear some type of religious identifier. In this circumstance, the brother or sister is released from wearing an identifier, although he or she may wish to wear it under his or her clothing.13. At all times, Brothers and Sisters should be temperate in eating and drinking.14. The Brothers and Sisters are strongly recommended to tithe to their local Church. The tithe may be divided into portions, some to the Church and some to its Ministries and other to its projects.15. "Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple. If you do," says the LORD Almighty, "I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won't have enough room to take it in! Try it! Let me prove it to you!"(Malachi 3:10)

My Interests

Sacred Music, liturgy, healing, writing, teaching, theology that unites not separates, spiritual musicology, poetry, Contemplative Arts and Performing Arts, healing in the ways of Hildegard of Bingen

I'd like to meet:

HILDEGARD VON BINGENHildegard von Bingen was extremely gifted in many areas. She was a herbologist, healer, mystic, visionary, prophet and writer with her very own signature. She has left us many extraordinary creative works that are still deeply touching our hearts and minds, and full of relevance to our times. In the poetry and melody of her songs, she reveals the full authority, intelligence and striking originality of her genius. She wrote profusely as no woman before her. Her training came with her lifelong beautiful Benedictine rule of chanting eight times a day that inspired her to write 77 chants and the first musical drama in history which she entitled "The Ritual of the Virtues." She writes in her autobiographical passages: "I composed and chanted plainsong in praise of God and the saints even though I had never studied either musical notation or singing." Unlike the more lulling mainstream music of her day, her lyrical speech breaks into deepest heartfelt emotion; her fiery and exhilarating melodies soar up to two and one half octaves, dancing into flourishing swirls, which were certainly a challenge to most contemporary singers. All her work is rooted in her faith and poetical vision.Hildegard's music is interwoven with her holistic spiritual work that is growing from the beauty and depth of her theology, philosophy, mysticism and medicine. Her music is reflecting all of the Divine Light and essence as in a precious sparkling jewel. For Hildegard as for the medieval, music was an all-embracing concept. It was the symphony of angels praising God, the balanced proportions of the revolving celestial spheres, the exquisite weaving of body and soul, the hidden design of nature's creations. It was the manifest process of life moving, expanding, growing towards the joy of its own deepest realizations and a profound unity of voices singing the praises of God here on earth. It was beauty, sound, fragrance and the flower of human artistry. Over 300 times in her writings, Hildegard uses music to illuminate spiritual truths.Hildegard von Bingen was born in Bermersheim 16 September 1098 as the tenth child to noble parents. With eight years she is being entrusted to the Church in the Benedictine monastery of Disibodenberg, and being cared for by Countess Jutta von Sponheim, herself only aged fifteen. Jutta becomes her friend and spiritual mentor. It is only to Jutta and a monk called Volmar, who was to become her lifelong secretary that Hildegard confided in her many visions. In 1141, five years after her election as Mother Superior, Hildegard had a vision that changed her life completely and that rose her beyond her quiet withdrawn life in the monastery. She had a vision giving her instant understanding of the meaning of religious texts, and commanding her to write down everything she would observe in her visions: ‘And it came to pass...when I was 42 years and 7 months old, that the heavens were opened and a blinding light of exceptional brilliance flowed through my entire brain. And so it kindled my whole heart and breast like a flame, not burning but warming...and suddenly I understood of the meaning of expositions of the books...’ But her confidence was still very low, and therefore, she hesitated to act on her visions. She had been told to ‘write what you see’. For a while she remained hesitant: ‘But although I heard and saw these things, because of doubt and low opinion of myself and because of diverse sayings of men, I refused for a long time a call to write, not out of stubbornness but out of humility, until weighed down by a scourge of God, I fell onto a bed of sickness.’Only after she had fallen ill from this martyring inner conflict she finally listened to members of her order, and started to write. Although she never doubted the Divine origin of her visions she wanted to avoid to be regarded as one of those new schismatics that were so fashionable in her days, and who attracted large followings. She always remained critical of them and was keen to be approved by the Catholic Church. She sought the blessing of the Pope by writing to St Bernard of Clairvaux. He brought her visions to the attention of Pope Eugenius III, and a commission to determine, whether Hildegard’s visions were divinely inspired was established which came to visit Hildegard. The commission declared her to be a genuine mystic.Through her many letters she became a powerful woman in medieval times. She communicated with Popes, statesmen, heads of monasteries and German emperors. Frederick I Barbarossa, granted her and her convent protection after she had given him advice for important matters and had prayed for him many times with a successful outcome.In 1150 Hildegard finally moved her growing convent from Disibodenber, the monastery they had shared with the Benedictine monks, to Bingen, on the banks of the Rhine. From this time her life and work were extremely prolific. The poet and composer Hildegard wrote poetry and music, which were mostly liturgical plainchants in a single vocal melodic line about saints and the Virgin Mary. Every poem and song is a memory of divine harmony. Her 77 chants are a very powerful physical and spiritual healing tool, helping the singer to reconnect to the divine realm and manifesting holiness in daily life.As a healer and therapist Hildegard is ddeply connected to the universe and Mother Earth. She writes several profound treatises like LIBER SIMPLICIS MEDICINAE (Book of Simple Medicines), LIBER COMPOSITAE MEDICINAE (Book of the Composition of Medicine) , and PHYSICA, where she names 513 plants, animals, elements, stones and metals. She describes 293 plants and their effects, including vegetables, grains, herbs and roots. CAUSAE ET CURAE (1150) is reflecting her deep conviction that all is one, and that the process of healing is at the same time the way of becoming whole again. The latter two books became also known as LIBER SUBTILATUM. Her knowledge was based on the ancient cosmology of the four elements - fire, water, air and earth - with their correspondences of heat, moisture, dryness and cold and the humours in the body - yellow bile, blood, phlegm, and melancholy (black bile). If one or two of these humours were out of balance, then one had to consume the equivalent plant or animal that had the quality of what the body was lacking.Her main literary works are the triology of SCIVIAS (Know the Way), 1151, LIBER VITAE MERITORUM (Book of Life’s Merits), 1150-63, and LIBER DIVINORUM OPERUM (Book of Divine Works), 1150-79. In these books she describes all her visions and interprets them. They are also beautifully decorated, probably by the nuns of her convent under her instruction and partly transcribed by the monk Volmar. The interpretations of her visions are drawing on Catholic spirituality. The trilogy was very well-known throughout the Middle Ages, and much later it was even printed for the first time in Paris in 1513.Hildegard was extremely powerful with a natural grace and deep humility, not only by the standards of the Middle Ages. Although she often had to battle illness she still traveled and bravely held numerous public sermons and speeches. Many nobles, abbots and abbesses as well as local people asked for her prayers, healing and her opinion on a variety of subjects. This is even unusual for a woman of our time.She died in her monastery on the Rupertsberg at Bingen on the Rhine on 17 September 1179. September 17th is also her memorial or feast day.Although Hildegard was one of the first saints for which the canonization process of the Catholic Church was initiated, it took so long that all four attempts remained unresolved (the last was under Pope Innocent IV in 1244). However, people had been devoted to her and called her a saint already long before the canonization procedure even began. The ever-increasing devotion to her resulted in her name being listed as a saint in the Roman martyrology at the end of the 16th century without ever finalising the canonization process. There is a shrine with Hildegard’s relics in her second monastery that she had founded in Eibingen near Ruedesheim on the Rhine in 1165.©Ziggy Agocsi, London, 2006I AMI am the one whose praise echoes on high. I adorn all the earth. I am the breeze that nurtures all things green. I encourage blossoms to flourish with ripening fruits. I am led by the spirit to feed the purest streams. I am the rain coming from the dew that causes the grasses to laugh with the joy of life. I am the yearning for good.Hildegard von BingenHOLY SPIRITHoly Spirit giving life to all life, moving all creatures, root of all things, washing them clean, wiping out their mistakes, healing their wounds, you are our true life, luminous, wonderful, awakening the heart from its ancient sleep.Hildegard von BingenSPIRITUAL WISDOMOh Greening Branch you stand in all your nobility like the rising dawn. Rejoice now and exult and deign to free the fools we are from our long slavery to evil, and hold out your hand to raise us up...Hildegard Von BingenMOTHER EARTHThe earth is at the same time mother, she is mother of all that is natural, mother of all that is human. She is the mother of all, for contained in her are the seeds of all. The earth of humankind contains all moistness, all verdancy, all germinating power. It is in so many ways fruitful. All creation comes from it. Yet it forms not only the basic raw material for humankind, but also the substance of the incarnation of God's son.Hildegard Von BingenMAY THE LIGHT BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOU ALWAYS!


Music and all arts, especially with high frequencies that wants to inspire and heal.


Whenever we communicate truth, perform music or create a work of art, we have the choice to create elevating joy and enlightenment for our audience and ourselves by humbly doing the best work we can, and by giving thanks for the gifts we have received from God. We are very privileged indeed of being able to bring light to other people's lives by simply doing what we like best.


You are most welcome to contact us anytime:For prayer & healing requests, please state your name(and/or the name of the person who is requesting healing) and the problem/intention to focus on (optional): [email protected] us also at: http://www.freewebs.com/orderoftheholyrose/ http://www.freewebs.com/abbeyoftheholyrose/WE NOW HAVE ALSO A WEBSITE FOR OUR YOUNGER MEMBERS, the ROSEBUDS, TOO. PLEASE, VISIT US AT: http://www.freewebs.com/rosebuds-ohr/


If you want to learn more about the Tridentine Mass, go to http://www.myspace.com/tridentinemass/ It is a beautiful resource.ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR/CONFESSOR IN YOUR AREA? And don't know, whom to approach? We can match you with an Anglo-Catholic or Roman-Catholic priest. Simply write to me, and I will bring you in touch with a priest.Free study and training courses at the Jesus Christ University for missionaries and Catholic charismatic seminaries: http://www.ikmo.de/http://www.myspace.com/tridentinemasshttp ://www.myspace.com/missionchurchMarian Arts School: http://www.freewebs.com/orderoftheholyrose/marianartsschoolo hr.htmIf you are looking for an active and welcoming community in the Anglo-Catholic Church in Central London, why not visit St Magnus the Martyr at London Bridge. Sunday Mass at 11am. For more information: http://www.stmagnusmartyr.org.uk or e-mail: [email protected] St Magnus is also home to the Faternity of Our Lady De Salve Regina. It is also a FIF and SSC parish.


WE OFFER FREE EVENTS, TALKS AND WORKSHOPS FOR CLERGY AND FOR READERS: READING, VOICE TRAINING, SINGING VOICE IN LITURGY, FREE VOICE- AND SPEECH-THERAPY FOR CLERGY. PLEASE, CONTACT US, IF YOU KNOW OF CLERGY AND PARISHES, WHO MIGHT BENEFIT FROM THIS SERVICE.WE ALSO HAVE FREE WORKSHOPS ON THE VOICE IN THE CONTEXT OF LITURGY & ARCHITECTURE, exploring with the voice the beauty of sacred music in its natural setting, the church and cathedral. Explore yourself, how the architecture was designed to bring out the sound to God's glory and honour in harmony with the structure.ALL OUR COURSES ARE FREE BUT WE DO ENCOURAGE DONATIONS TO THE PARISH, WHERE THE COURSES TAKE PLACE, IF THEY ARE ATTENDED BY NON-CLERGY.We offer free courses and events inContemplative* Singing *Arts *Performing Arts *Danceworks *Film/Multi-Media *Poetry/Creative Writing *Music *DesignMarian Arts School (OHR) Course Programme:Most courses are free. Pilgrimages and retreats are cost covering. Donations are of course welcome but are voluntary. We are a catholic order but our courses are open to all, for those of the faith and for those of none.Spiritual Crash CourseOpen and ongoing courseFor those, who do believe in Jesus Christ and want to cut through confusion, cynicism and hypocrisy, and want to know, where they are standing, and where to go from here.I am grievingMonthly Support GroupFor all who have lost a loved one and want to come to terms with their grief.Little Angels Miscarriage and Babyloss Support GroupMonthly Support GroupFor all mothers and fathers trying to come to terms with miscarriage or babyloss, or are dealing with the regret of an abortion.Hildegard of Bingen and other Mystic SaintsOngoing and open classApplied and contemplative teachings from those holy women, who were blessed with the knowledge and wisdom of the Holy Spirit and continue to inspire us in our spirituality, in areas of healing, religious leadership, arts, music, poetry and many other areas.PilgrimagesDay trips and longer pilgrimages and retreats.For our next pilgrimage contact: [email protected] Inner JourneyTalk - in person or on the phone or via internetWho am I? What is my calling? What do I have to offer to God and to my neighbour? We talk about, where we are at and take the journey from there.Sunday at threeOn the third Sunday we gather for a shared meal, for common prayer in various forms, for informal talks and a rereading and discussion of the bible readings.Community Leadership training for everyoneBecome a leader in the tradition of the disciples, and champion of humanity for Our Lord and King in your community to spread the word. We provide you with free training for presentation skills, voice, and communication, and basics for handling PR and funding.Women’s BreakfastNothing better than a good chat and exchange at breakfast. Most mornings in East London. Start a breakfast group in your area and get our support in how to do it.Breastfeeding Support GroupWe meet up weekly with informal chats, talks, topics and occasional trips to the museum to have a look at historic and religious paintings portraying breastfeeding.Holy Rose NightRetreatA night of talks, silence, meditation and contemplation, chanting, arts, prayer, bible readings finishing with an early morning breakfast prepared and shared by all.Morning PrayerOngoing and open to all.Evening PrayerOngoing and open to all.Holy Rose DayRetreatA day of talks, silence, meditation and contemplation, chanting, arts, prayer, bible readings finishing with an early evening supper prepared and shared by all.Holy Rose TalkMonthly evening talk with changing topic and guest speakers.From our Marian Arts School (s. also under Marian Arts School)Contemplative DancingOngoing and open class. No previous experience necessary.Contemplative ArtsOngoing and open class. No previous experience necessary.Contemplative Voice and MusicFor musicians, producers and singersHoly Rose Bibliodrama GroupOngoing.For performers, actors, singers and those wanting to learn performing arts skills.Holy Rose Poetry and Spiritual Writing Group (Roses and Acorns) Ongoing.For poets, writers, performers and storytellers and those, who appreciate the word as a listener and who live the word.

My Blog


Dear Visitor,Thank you for visiting the Order of the Holy Rose!We are very blessed by your presence and interest in the deeper mysteries of the Catholic faith, which we explore and deepen through the ...
Posted by ORDER OF THE HOLY ROSE on Tue, 08 Jul 2008 04:24:00 PST


Posted by ORDER OF THE HOLY ROSE on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 01:30:00 PST

Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles

Posted by ORDER OF THE HOLY ROSE on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 11:00:00 PST

From the Mountain Top

From the Mountain TopIt can be quite lonely on the mountain topbut with God's grace and love nothing and nobody can stop me from keeping to bend in the way He sees fitwith my Lord and King and Saviour...
Posted by ORDER OF THE HOLY ROSE on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 11:03:00 PST

Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful - VARIATION

Oh Come, All Ye FaithfulVARIATIONO come, all ye faithful,Joyful and triumphant,O come ye, O come ye to Jerusalem;Come and behold him,Born the King of angels;O come, let us adore him,O come, let us ado...
Posted by ORDER OF THE HOLY ROSE on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 06:28:00 PST


OH, HOLY PRIESTOh, Holy Priest,this is a message from thy Lord and King,to whose glory from thy heart and innermostsoul thou shallst with love and joy only sing.Serve me with all thy gifts, and use th...
Posted by ORDER OF THE HOLY ROSE on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 06:15:00 PST

News from St Magnus the Martyr Church, City of London

The Parish Church of St Magnus-the-Martyr, Lower Thames Street, London EC3R 6DN, Tel 0207 626 4481. http://www.stmagnusmartyr.org.uk/Parish Priest: Fr Philip Warner, [email protected] 19...
Posted by ORDER OF THE HOLY ROSE on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 05:16:00 PST

Daily Prayers

O my God,Deus meus,I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee,ex toto corde paenitet me omnium meorum peccatorum,and I detest all my sins because of thy just punishments,eaque detestor, quia peccand...
Posted by ORDER OF THE HOLY ROSE on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 04:42:00 PST

Eliora’s Addition to the Nicene Creed

We believe that love is the only way of life thatpleases God and is the path of His beloved Son Jesus Christ,for which He has died and is risen from the dead.We believe that only, if we abhor from si...
Posted by ORDER OF THE HOLY ROSE on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 05:48:00 PST

The Creeds and their History

The Apostles' Creed is so called because it is considered to be a faithful summary of the apostles' faith. It is the ancient baptismal symbol of the Church of Rome. It is "the Creed of the Roman Chur...
Posted by ORDER OF THE HOLY ROSE on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 05:25:00 PST