jonah jurkens profile picture

jonah jurkens


About Me

i am a boy and i have a penis

My Interests

I enjoy babysitting, writting in my diary, skipping, high fiving, crying with the lights off, telling myself how wonderful i am, knot spelling things correctly, giving myself a thumbs up after i tie my shoe, giving myself a thumbs down when i cant untie it. watching old people fall, listing to celine dion while i work out, failing at life, singing "you've lost that loving feeling" to my mom, and paper macheing

I'd like to meet:

dane cook, bill burr, nick swardson, Zach Galifianakis, Mike Birbiglia,david spade, cole trickle, maverick, goose, dusty bottoms, Ned Nederlander, lucky day, conan o'brian, louis c.k., the hardy boys, tom selleck, Mr. Belvedere, ryan reynolds, cher, susan, jerry, skee-lo, the baha men, and maybe someday you! (if your lucky)


one word... Hasselhoff!


big bird goes to rehab, mission kimpossible, gigli, double dragon, beaches, cocoon(anything with Steve Guttenberg is the best!), and most of all willow(midgets are magical)


everybody poops- "changed my life!"
The Girls' Life Guide to Growing Up -"couldn't have survived high school without it"
The Essential Jewish Trivia Book for Kids-"this one's not for beginners"
The Lesbian Parenting Book: A Guide to Creating Families and Raising Children-"really helped me figuer some stuff out"