En el año 2000 se formó Modular, nombre tomado del mÃtico sintetizador analógico "Moog Modular" (de apariencia similar a un conmutador telefónico cruzado por kilómetros de cables que permite experimentar posibilidades infinitas de sonidos electrónicos de la era del espacio) que a finales de los años 60.. y principios de los 70.. originó lo que se denominó "Moog Records" o discos de "Moog Music". En su música se perciben aires de espÃritu retrofuturista y fantástico salpicado con toques kitsch. Retoman la mezcla de ingenuas referencias espaciales con sonidos nostálgicos de los años sesenta, del pop psicodélico, del easy listening, música de pelÃculas de los años 60.. y 70.., grooving bossa lounge, pop orquestal, sunshine pop y electrónica vintage entre otros estilos. Mas info:
In the year 2000 the band Modular was formed, whose name was taken from the mythical Moog Modular analog synthesizer series (which was similar in appearance to a phone switch crossed by kilometers of cables that allowed the user to create infinite possibilities of electronic sounds of the space age). At the end of the 1960s and beginning of the 1970s albums featuring these synthesizers were produced in abundance, known as 'Moog Records' or 'Moog Music'. Soundscapes of retrofuturistic and fantastic feeling were created, sprinkled with kitsch touches. Modular recaptures the mixture of space age references with nostalgic sounds of the sixties, psychedelic pop, easy listening, 60.. and 70.. soundtracks, grooving bossa lounge, orchestral pop, sunshine pop and electronic vintage, among other styles. You can know much more, watch videos, listen to sound samples by clicking into our website:www.modular.com.ar
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