Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God!
..Malik Ali on Ziocontrol of the MediaWhat AIPAC Told Fox News NOT to Tell YOUZionist War Crimeswww.jewsagainstzionism.comDiscussion Concerning The Protocols of the Learned Elders of ZionThe Judaic Role in the Black Slave TradeJudea Declares War On GermanyTreblinka ExposedTruth Behind the Gates of Auschwitz Pt. 1Truth Behind the Gates of Auschwitz Pt. 2If Americans Knew
The Other Israel
This poster below shows the "who's" that were behind the May 1 boycott. Go ahead, save it to your photos and blow it up so you can see those names in small print. Don't know the significance of May 1? Look it up. Those in the Military know of "mayday" meaning distress or warning, May 1 is May Day; get it?
The people I'd like to meet, most people have never heard of and most likely won't go out looking for them. These people include, but are not limited to:
Texe Marrs
Eric Hufschmid
Christopher Bollyn
John DeCamp
Kay Griggs
Joan Veon
Ted Pike
Dr. Lorraine Day
Eustace Mullins
Donn de Grand Pre
Are there more people I'd like to meet, sure there are, I just haven't made up my mind as to WHO they are.Kay Griggs speaks out pt1Kay Griggs speaks out pt2Obstruction of Justice; The Mena ConnectionThe Mena Cover UpCompromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA's Drug DealingThe Clinton ChroniclesThermite ReactionGround Vid from 911: Do You Not See the Same Thing From the Video Above?Painful DeceptionsA Closer LookAre the Criminals Frightened Yet?Ground Zero Six Weeks Later: How can kerosene do this?Larry Silverstein ADMITS on PBS That Bldg 7 Was Fell via DemolitionBBC's Prior Knowledge That WTC7 Would FallMohammad Atta and the Venice Flying Circus pt1Mohammad Atta and the Venice Flying Circus pt2..
Movie website:
Rock and Country for the most part.
Matt Bowlin
Poker Face
.. width="425" height="350" ..
Washed Up Never Beens
Willie Nelson Takes Time 4 HempUS Government Study on Smoking Reefer w/Casper@UCLA pt. 1US Government Study on Smoking Reefer w/Casper@UCLA pt. 2
As long as they're informative.Masonic Lodge Over JerusalemGulag USAThe Blind and the DeadSweet Misery: A Poisoned WorldBayer Has AIDS in Their ProductsThe Fluoride DeceptionDr. Lorraine Day: Diseases Don't Just HappenAerosol CrimesHoles in HeavenAngels Don't Play This HAARP
Hemp 4 VictoryHemp Revolution Pt.1Hemp Revolution Pt.2Hemp in the WildHemp History w/Jack Herer and Galbraith GatewoodHemp for FuelHemp for FoodHemp for PaperJack Herer Takes Time for HempHenry Ford's Car Derived From HempHemp Fueled Car
War is a Racket, Proofs of a Conspiracy, The Wall Street Series(Bolsheviks, FDR and Hitler), America's Secret Establishment, The Creature From Jekyll Island, We Hold These Truths, Shadows of Power, Trading With the Enemy, Confessions of an Arms Peddler, Barbarians Inside the Gates Series, The World Order, Secrets of The Federal Reserve
Jesus, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Smedley Darlington Butler, Charles Lindbergh Sr., Joseph McCarthy, Myron Fagan, Benjamin Freedman, Larry McDonald, Eustace Mullins, John DeCamp