Music, Theater, Comedy, Literature, Drinking, Drugo, Sexo y Rock y Roll.
Crazy people. Funny people. Re-connect with the Miami and old school New Orleans crew that lives so far away.
Bad Astronaut, Bad Religion, Enemy You, The Turks, Scardycat, Kraftwerk, Fugazi, Sonic Youth, Public Enemy, Green Day
The Third Man, Empire, Kiss Me Deadly, Killer's Kiss, Reservoir Dogs, LOTR, Dead Alive, Night of the Living Dead, Ace Venture 2, Meet Wally Sparks, Happy Gilmore, Pootie Tang
I don't own one, nor do I watch tv. I do however download good shows without the commercials from Bit Torrent.
HP, Philip K. Dick
MLK, Bill Clinton, Livan Hernandez, 'Zo, Mel Brooks, Gene Wilder, Robin Williams, Salman Rushdie