Karma-free Zone is creative laboratory founded in Cheremshanka village (south of Siberia ) in 2002. The aim of this project is to create the new kind of reality based on a world picture of Ancient Kuzhebar aborigines - the inhabitants of the vanished siberian tribe. We combining archaic art with most modern technologies in order to spread worldwide the Knowledge of the culture, to which we belong. Nowadays Karma-free Zone lab based in Berlin.
My brand new videoart DVD is out now! Click the picture for more information:
total time: 21 min
DVD Price: EUR 18.00
Touching The World Lines
This video is based on motional practices of Ancient Kuzhebar Aborigines performed by Vladiswar Nadishana. According to their folkways our world consists of special lines or "light strings". Some their motional practices were very similar to dances. Ritual dancer have to pull this "strings" to produce various changes in a world outside.
Animation and dancing - Vladiswar Nadishana
Music - "Bouim" by Lavrenty Mganga
Pyrographic objects - Julia Surba
Window into the microworld
Karma-free Zone inc. presents the new film about the life in the microworld. Various microbes and bacteria becames the archetypes of the main heroes of this movie. Also the traditional kuzhebarian visual art like the graphs of the psychic functions and pyrograms concerned to microworld will be used in this film.
Pyrographic objects - Julia Surba
Animation and music - Vladiswar Nadishana
NAYA. Inorganic Trip
The inorganic world is shown in this film in an intelligible form. The film continues the documentary sci-fi serial about another reality layers.
Animation and music - Vladiswar Nadishana
For detailed information about Kuzhebarian culture and about our projects please visit
and our other projects on Myspace:
ALBUMS Solo works and collaborations | INSTRUMENTS My collection of music instruments of the world | DESIGN The Graphs of the Psychic Functions | VIDEOART My video experiments