Sewing & Altering clothing, Working with my bridal customers to make their wedding day the best it can be, Music, Middle Eastern Belly Dance, Spanish Fusion Bellydance, Belly Dancing performance with my Troupe and other friends, Bellydancing to live bands or solo musicians, Ballroom Dance, Horseback Riding, Cooking, Eating, Camping, Reading.
Brides and people involved in wedding plans to discuss the fitting and altering of gowns,
Sewing professionals working out of their homes,
Sister Belly Dancers,
Musicians who love to play for dancers,
People who love to Ballroom Dance,
People with positive attitudes.
Classical, World Fusion, Spanish Guitar, Middle Eastern, Country, Anything you can Ballroom dance to.
Ladyhawke, Butterfly Effect, Galaxy Quest, Flashdance, Braveheart, Die Hard, Stardust,
I really don't watch much TV, but when I do I like: Boston Legal, Jordan, SVU, CSI, Dancing with the Stars,
Prehystorical Fiction, Mystery/Who-dun-its, Biographies
Cindy, Conchi, Mom, Chuck, Daniel