Im interested in meeting people around the world. Since I have lived in Germany, New Jersey, Maryland, Texas, Virginia, Georgia, and I love to travel. My number one inetrest is to impact people but sharing the LOVE of CHRIST. *** I want to meet Life Changers***
Christian, Holy Hip Hop, some R&B, Soft Rock, Contemporary Christian music! I love all music that is clean, pure and that has good lyricas that make sense and a beat or a good sound.
Breakin, Crush Groove "80's" movies, The Never Ending Story, Goonies, The Last Dragon, Bruce Lee flicks, Sparkle, Office Space, Mommy Dearest, Last Holiday, 16 Blocks, Lion King, Toy Story, Home Alone, Sandalot, and alot more
CSI, Cold Case, Top Model, any kind of make over show, Will Smith, Martin
The Bible, Drawing Near by John Bevere, Matters of The heart by Juanita Bynum, Pursuit Of Peace by Joyce Myers, Grace Based Parenting
JESUS, Parents, Grandma Ruby a