IHOP Atlanta profile picture

IHOP Atlanta

Open the Gates.. So the King of Glory May Come In!

About Me

International House of Prayer Atlanta The central facet of the IHOP-ATLANTA Missions Base is the vision of the International House of Prayer as a 24-hour a day Prayer Furnace for the city of Atlanta. The Missions Base in Atlanta is committed to developing forerunners committed to prayer, fasting, and the Great Commission.
The Missions Base is currently adding staff that have raised their own support and given their lives to wholehearted passion for Jesus expressed in extravagant devotion. In spite of the reality of their own human weakness, with hearts that are rooted and grounded in love, these missionaries ask the Lord to move upon hearts, change the atmosphere of the city, and turn the nations of the earth to Jesus.
The Prayer Room of IHOP-Atlanta is the heartbeat of all that goes on at the IHOP-ATLANTA Missions Base. IHOP-ATL is a ministry serving the entire Metro Atlanta area. The prayer room opened October 11th, 2004, and is designed for any person or group desiring to come and worship and pray individually and/or corporately. Structured in multiple two-hour prayer meetings a week, teams of musicians, singers, and intercessors lift their voices in praise and supplication, asking God to fulfill His promise and give the nations of the earth to Jesus as His inheritance. Each prayer meeting functions with live worship teams in one of four formats including devotional worship, prophetic worship, worship with the word or apostolic intercession with fasting for corporate breakthrough, city transformation, and revelation of Jesus Christ in the earth.Why 24/7 worship and prayer?Jesus said the harvest is plentiful, so his disciples should pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers. When our hearts deeply experience the love of God in the place of worship and intercession, we are strengthened and empowered to give ourselves to the labor of the work of the Kingdom with greater diligence, authority and power.
24/7 worship and prayer will change the spiritual atmosphere of the city, thus opening the heavens for more anointed and effective evangelism to the lost and unity in the Church. We believe that the Holy Spirit is orchestrating a global prayer strategy far eclipsing any other prayer movement in history resulting in an unprecedented harvest of souls throughout the earth. 8 Facets
24/7 Harp & Bowl Worship & Intercession - A 24-hour, citywide prayer ministry, serving the body of Christ in the region fashioned in the spirit of the Tabernacle of David. The focus is to rend the heavens over the region so that Glory of God can invade every facet of the society inside and outside the church, breeding revival in the church and reformation in the world.
Internships - Multiple intensive discipleship programs that focus on 18-25 year olds who desire to intimately know the fullness of the love, power and character of God. Training includes classroom instruction, personal discipleship and hands-on ministry with blocks of time spent in the prayer room.
Encounter Services - Weekly God encounters designed to demonstrate the power of God to the lost as well as equip the believer in passion for Jesus. Each meeting is designed to be a heaven opening event in which the direction of the Holy Spirit is esteemed and reverenced.
Fasting Teams - Staff members and interns live lifestyles of prayer and fasting. Everyday of the year is to be covered in prayer and fasting by different teams. Night and day prayer empowered through lifestyles of fasting enables believers to experience the reality of the kingdom come on earth.
Prophetic Teams - Gifted teams who specialize in prophetic evangelism as well as prophetic ministry to the body of Christ. Ministering by the unction of the Holy Spirit, God is glorified and people are edified through accurate and properly administered prophetic revelation.
Outreach Teams - Teams bring the power of God to the public, locally and internationally, by sharing the message of the love of God accompanied by healing, signs, wonders and miracles. Outreach to the poor and needy is at the center of the heart of the Lord.
Intercessory Missionaries - Part-time and full-time, volunteer staff positions. Each staff member goes through an application process of approval. Staff will spend a percentage of time in the prayer room. The remainder of their time will be spent in ministry and administrative functions.

My Interests

Shifting Spiritual Climates… Igniting Revival in the Church …and Awakening in the WorldThe IHOP-ATLANTA Mission Base is a developing, multi-faceted, mission base serving the Body of Christ throughout Metro Atlanta. It will be staffed with intercessory missionaries who are committed to prayer, fasting and evangelism in order to shift the spiritual climate over Atlanta, the Southeast and the Nation.

Each mission department is geared to cause individuals to soar in their relationship with God through the reality of the knowledge of God unto kingdom revelation and manifestation. The IHOP-ATLANTA Missions Base is committed to:

Apostolic Living - Holy Spirit empowered lives of New Testament authenticity, incorporating training and planting with a father's heart, bringing manifestations of the Holy Spirit and breakthrough in regions to establish the kingdom of God

Fasted Lifestyle - A conviction of character and conduct in simplicity and sacrifice; a lifestyle of sincerity that embodies total fascination with Jesus Christ as the great reward of this life

Unity in Diversity - living in true fellowship in and through the Holy Spirit including diverse cultures and socio-economic backgrounds

Passion for Jesus - living lifestyles as lovesick worshippers in all we do and reflecting the Love of the Bridegroom to others

Just as John the Baptist was a forerunner for Jesus, “preparing the way and making straight the path”, the Holy Spirit is raising up an entire generation of people all across the planet through a worship and prayer movement who, like John, will prepare the way through fulfilling the Great Commission for the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus.

I'd like to meet:



1625 Collins Hill Road
Lawrenceville, Georgia 30043

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The Pursuit Internship

The Pursuit Internship is designed as a time to set oneself apart from the rigors of daily life and be given fully to pursuing the knowledge of the Lord. This internship is an intense, three-month season of consecration tailored to young adults who have an ache in their soul to know the deep emotions of the Living God. The Pursuit provides the perfect environment for any 18-25 year-old hungering after a more satisfying way of life and thirsting for true intimacy with Jesus. In light of the times, there is no wiser course than investing a season of one's life as an offering of love in pursuit of God.God desires to call you by name and mark you for eternity. He desires to pursue you with greater intensity than you could ever pursue Him. Our desire is to provide a context for young adults, those with hunger for God and a passion to know Him intimately, to be equipped and released into a relationship with God that consumes. Ultimately, we are made to know God through encounter and The Pursuit is designed to bring experience in concert with instruction. When both successfully come together we are introduced to a God that is beyond our imaginations.This program exists to immerse 18 - 25 year-olds in the knowledge of God; to provide an environment of intense intimacy with this uncreated Father who desires to fascinate His children with His beauty and to equip lovesick hearts to pursue this holy, passionate God they will encounter in prayer.For more information on an upcoming internship visit www.ihop-atlanta.com


The Watch Internship
The Night Belongs to the Lord

I have posted watchmen on your walls Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night... Isaiah 62:6.The Watch internship is a three-month period set aside for the adoration of Jesus Christ every night; a season focused singly on the only worthy God (Psalm 134:12). To a young adult generation who is being romance by the counterfeit passions of the night, we stand to provide an environment where one can come and experience the true passions of God's heart.God is presently establishing intercessors in the night watch all over the earth (Isaiah 62:6-7). IHOP-Atlanta is calling young adults to give up a summer, semester or a season of work or school for the purpose of intensively seeking the face of Jesus for 12 weeks. This will be a company of young adults gathering to pour out their lives and to encounter Jesus. We are asking God for strategic heart connections of future leaders and intercessors in the world wide prayer movement that will continue until the second coming of Christ. Training includes prophetic ministry, healing, signs and wonders.For more information on an upcoming internship visit www.ihop-atlanta.com


The Pursuit Internship

Intro is a three-month training program for people of all ages and backgrounds, including families. The aim of Intro is to introduce people to the vision and values of IHOP Atlanta and to allow them to experience first-hand what it would be like to be on staff at the House of Prayer. Though this program does serve as a means of training new staff at IHOP Atlanta, it is not solely for those who want to move here and join staff. It is also open to anyone interested in finding out what the House of Prayer is all about, as well as those desiring to spend a season of consecration before the Lord.Intro participants will be actively involved in many of the various facets of the IHOP Atlanta Missions Base. This involvement will include taking School of Ministry classes, spending times of personal devotion in the prayer room, learning the Harp and Bowl model of prayer and worship, assisting with Helps Ministry Departments, and participating in corporate intercession sets. This training program has three primary focuses: growing in intimacy with God, developing urgency for the hour in which we live, and cultivating a lifestyle of prayer and fasting in order to “prepare the way of the Lord.”Additional topics covered will include: Growing in the Spirit of Prophecy, Praying the Apostolic Prayers, Biblical Stewardship of Finances, Dream Interpretation, Israel and the Kingdom, Foundations of the Tabernacle of David, The New Covenant Priesthood, and The Sermon on the Mount.We invite you to come and join this community of like-minded believers who are seeking to love the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mark 12:30).For more information on an upcoming internship visit www.ihop-atlanta.com


IHOP-Atlanta - The Longing

Joel Bidderman - A Prelude to Morning

IHOP KC -Simply Beautiful, Deep Unto Deep: Musical Companion, I Can't Wait, Forever Yours, Burning Desire

Misty Edwards - Eternity, Always on His Mind

Isa Couvertier - In The Waiting

Jason Upton - Key of David, Faith, Dying Star, Jacob's Dream, Remember, Trusting The Angels, Great River Road, Open Up the Earth

Dwayne Roberts - One Thing I Desire, Apostolic Prayers, Apostolic Prayers 2: Let Us Pray

Marcus Meier - Merchant Band, One Spirit

Todd Ganovski - Breathe Prophesy, Some Trust In Chariots

Corey Russell - Days of Noah, Ancient Paths


Mike Bickle's - The Pleasures of Loving God, Passion for Jesus, After God's Own Heart

Mike Bikle & Dana Candler's - The Rewards of Fasting

Dwayne Roberts' - One Thing

Dave Sliker's - End Times Simplified

Gary Wiens' - Bridal Intercession, Come to Papa

Bob Sorge's - Glory: When Heaven Invades Earth, Dealing With The Rejection & Praise of Man, Pain Perplexity & Promotion, Envy: The Enemy Within

A. W. Tozer's - The Knowledge of the Holy

Peter Greig and Dave Roberts' - Red Moon Rising


Anna the Prophetess: Luke 2:36-38 Now there was one, Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was of a great age, and had lived with a husband seven years from her virginity; and this woman was a widow of about eighty-four years, who did not depart from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day. And coming in that instant she gave thanks to the Lord, and spoke of Him to all those who looked for redemption in Jerusalem.
King David: Psalms 27:4 One thing I have desired of the LORD, That will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire in His temple.
John The Baptist: Luke 3:3-6 And he went into all the region around the Jordan, preaching a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins, Luk 3:4 as it is written in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet, saying: "The voice of one crying in the wilderness: prepare the way of the LORD; make His paths straight. Every valley shall be filled and every mountain and hill brought low; the crooked places shall be made straight and the rough ways smooth; and all flesh shall see the salvation of God."
Joseph: Genesis 45:4-7 And Joseph said to his brothers, "Please come near to me." So they came near. Then he said: "I am Joseph your brother, whom you sold into Egypt. But now, do not therefore be grieved or angry with yourselves because you sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve life. For these two years the famine has been in the land, and there are still five years in which there will be neither plowing nor harvesting. And God sent me before you to preserve a posterity for you in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance.

My Blog

Perceiving the Ages to Come

Perceiving the Ages to Come By: Hazen June 16th, 2008 A river of living water flows from beneath the throne of God. A tree bearing the fruit of an indestructible life stands by that river. There is a...
Posted by IHOP Atlanta on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 09:19:00 PST

The African - American Voice

The African - American Voice By: Jennifer April 10th, 2008 Lately I have been pondering over my heritage and my identity. As a young adult, I have been contending for my destiny alongside many other ...
Posted by IHOP Atlanta on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 09:03:00 PST


Loving Deeply By: Angie February 27th, 2008 Sometimes my heart overflows with love when I think of those God has put around me. Sometimes He gives me little glimpses of what He sees in a few of His, ...
Posted by IHOP Atlanta on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 08:59:00 PST

A Call to the Wilderness

The Scripture is full of examples where the people of God spent significant amounts of time living in a literal wilderness. Moses, Israel, David, John the Baptist and Paul are but a few examples. The ...
Posted by IHOP Atlanta on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 11:42:00 PST

Onething Atlanta - Thanks to All

Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who came out this last week to the onething Atlanta conference. We hope you were blessed, touched, and changed. May God continue His workings deep within your ...
Posted by IHOP Atlanta on Mon, 28 Aug 2006 09:27:00 PST

The Anna Anointing

Luk 2:36-38 Now there was one, Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was of a great age, and had lived with a husband seven years from her virginity; 37 and this w...
Posted by IHOP Atlanta on Mon, 17 Apr 2006 05:46:00 PST

Knowledge Of God

Over the last 18 months I have sensed a strong leading of the Lord calling me to the study of the knowledge of God. As I began to consider the idea of "the Knowledge of God" even the words seemed fore...
Posted by IHOP Atlanta on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 09:45:00 PST


Every few years there are new "Hot Topics" that swirl through the Body of Christ. Many times the emergence of a certain topic at a specific time is divinely orchestrated in order to give new light to ...
Posted by IHOP Atlanta on Tue, 21 Mar 2006 11:58:00 PST