green tea, social justice, social activism, sunshine, living a worthwhile life, smiles, hugs, conversing, perfumes, dressing up, Jesus, volleyball, dancing, children, beaches, working out, Europe, perfecting my Russian (someday), reading, holiness, Igor, community service, sushi, daydreaming, staying away from aim, traveling with a mission,
I know I truly appreciate people who are reflective and provide honest feedback. I enjoy being around those who aren't afraid to be themselves. I love people who let their quirks shine through. I love those who are passionate about a cause and are endlessly working for it (especially in economic development). I appreciate genuineness!
as long as there is a beat, i am happy.
Red Moon Rising, Velvet Elvis, Blue Like Jazz, The Screwtape Letters, and sooo many others which I can't remember off the top of my head
Muhammud Yunus (founder of Grameen Bank), Martin Luther King, Jr., Jesus, Susan B Anthony, modern day activists