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Good Questions (100)
Full Name:
Height: 5'7"
Hair Style: straight
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: brown
Wear glasses: no
Wear contacts: no
Heiritage: jewish
Birthplace: santa monica, ca
Right or left handed: right
Skin Color: white
Color: black
Number: 3
Food: italian
Letter: j
Band: Antja Mimes
Song: fly me to the moon
Movie: valley girl
T.V. show: hart to hart
Animal: manta rays
Drink: jack
Season: winter
Month: october
Time of day: early am
Day of the year: halloween
Sport: baseball
Basketball Team: lakers
Baseball Team: dodgers
Golf Player: tiger
Tennis Player: venus and serena
Football Team: who cares
Candy Bar: snickers
Resturaunt: ruth chris
Love Life
Are you sigle or taken: taken
If taken by whom: my love
How long: 15 years
In love: yes
If single do you like anyone:
If so who:
How long have you liked them:
Do they like you:
Best friend: too many
Best friend that's a girl:
Best friend that's a boy:
Known the longest:
Funniest: all
Loudest: all
Most normal: none
Most odd: all
Name your main friends:
This or that
Coke or Sprite: coke
Cat or Dog: dog
Big House or small house: big
Live in the city or out in the country: country
Girls or Boys: boys
Powerade or Gatorade: gatorade
Water or answer to question above: water
Propel or water: water
Matches or Lighter: matches
Monkey or Koala bear: monkey
Die young or live forever: live forever
Blind or Deaf: deaf
Nails pulled out or eyeballs ripped out of sockets (alex): nails
Drown or burned to death (alex): neither
Color or black and white: color
Who is your hero: maya angelou
Fav. book: i know why the caged bird sings
Fav. Video game: mario
Fav. broadway play: wicked
Fav. Singer: frank sinatra
AIM or Yahoo: aim
Most missed memory: childhood
Your bedtime on school nights:
You fears: the dark
Your weaknesses: my son
First thought waking up: im tired
Time you normaly wake up: 7am
Fav. thing to do durning the day: read
Your perfect day: Disneyland w/family
Fav. Actor: robert wagner
Rock or Rap: rock
Guitar or Drums: guitar
For abortions: yes
For Gay marriage: yes
Democrat or Repulican: democrat
Donkeys or Horses: horses
Be able to fly or swim without needed air: swim
What superhero would you want to be: invisible woman
What do you look for in the opposite Sex: kindness
Almost done
Did you like this survey: yes
What Time is it: 1:41pm
What is the date: 7/18
About how long did it take you: 5 min
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You Are Most Like Bill Clinton
No doubt, your legacy may be a little seedier than you'd like.
But even though you've done some questionable things, you're still loved by almost all. What Modern US President Are You Most Like?

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Corrine Baily Rae-"Like a Star" best song ever!, Antja Mimes, Mika,Jeff Buckley,Amy Winwhouse, RATT, My CHemical Romance, Billy Joel, Elton, James Taylor, X, Jimmy Eat World ANY and ALL 80's music, Sara Barellis, James Morrison, Jon McLaughlin, The Weepies


Anything with Barbra Streisand, Will Ferrell, All 80's John Hughes Alec Baldwin


.. width="425" height="350" msprm name="movie"


Anything and everything, I love books right now fav book Eat, Love, Pray by elizabeth gilbert


Maya Angelou .."#F8F9C8" link="#AAAFFF" vlink="#E42866" alink="#008800" leftmargin="5" Which Animaniacs Character are You?
You have megalomaniacal impulses regularly. That's not necessarily a bad thing, however, as you have the cranial capacity of a small planet. Trying to take over the world is hard work, though, and you're not above exploiting your lessers. Even now, you have a plan that's being enacted which will pitch the world's economy into turmoil, leaving the floodgates of trade exposed for the sole owner of stock in the ? company! You are en route to taking over the world!
Oh, and you ARE pondering what I'm