Roller Skating; Knitting; Playing Drums; Going to Irish Festivals to listen to Celtic bands; Going to Irish Pubs and getting shyte; Going to that new restaurant and listening to that new band; Supporting local music; Going to the Opera; Roman history; buying wigs; riding Le Scoot on a warm, sunny day; Female Singers (can we get a female Irish BAND?); Torturing children; Getting lost in a bookstore; Winning at trivia games; Falling in love with strangers; Arguing just for the sake of arguing; Singing Karaoke; Tattoos; Abnormal people; and other things that are none of your business.
Someone who has a clue... width="425" height="350" ..
Schizophrenic (according to Shiloh)
You Are Ani Difranco!
Honest, real, and well liked.
You're not limited by any boundaries.
"And you can call me crazy
But I think you're as lazy as white paint on the wall"
Who's Your Inner Rock Chick?
Boondock Saints, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Muriel's Wedding, Adventures of Pricella Queen of the Desert, Office Space, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Shaun of the Dead, The Commitments, Some Like it Hot, Tank Girl, Office Space, The Departed, Crybaby, Robin Hood: Men in Tights, Heathers, Shag, Back to the Futures, 300,
Nip/Tuck, Miami Ink, AquaTeenHungerForce, Family Guy, Simpsons, History/Discovery/Weather Channel, University of Kansas Basketball, Rome, Scrubs, Six Feet Under, getting in to Heros, Quantum Leap, My So-Called Life, Degrassi Jr. High, Absolutely Fabulous, Sex and the City, Sifl and Olie, Golden Girls, The Daily Show
Roller Derby for Dummies... you should read it too!
My Mom, My sis, Blanche Deveroux, Dolly Parton, Tina Turner, Tori Amos, Roller Girls, Ann Cavello, and all of the ladies throughout history who stood up and took the shit so that I could sit here and fuck the day away however I want to.