I'm OSB. Deal with it. profile picture

I'm OSB. Deal with it.

Short term satisfaction leads to long term poor results.

About Me

Hi. I'm a big ol' nerd. Yes, I'll admit that. I like Classical music, University of Kansas baketball, knitting while watching cartoons, 88.7 WFOS, mom & pop stores, I hate children, the mall, onions, ACC basketball, Corperate America, I like ROLLER SKATING, getting in fights, kicking ass, talking trash since I have a trashy mouth anyway, talking politics, beer, Irish pubs, Erotic novels, driving really fast, and going after my goals in life. I am a part of The Dominion Derby Girls who are the best bunch of women and men EVER! I love Roller Derby and am always talking about it... can get old after awhile and I'm suprised my friends have yet to tell me to shut the fuck up for once. I guess that's why they're my friends. Being pasty and proud of it, I'd rather stay in on sunny days and frolic on rainy ones. If you're a man trying to get in my pants, then move on to the all the other whores unless you can explain Quantum Mechanics logically. Then you might have a chance. I perfer a close circle of friends than a whole buch of superficial ones. Fake people scare me. Scary movies scare me. Globalization scares me. Don't even get me started on the boogyman. I like using big words and I use them often. Being smart is something I enjoy as well and I am voiceferous about it. If I'm wrong, it doesn't matter because I know I'm right. That's just the way I am. I'm crazy and I don't do anything to change that. I encourage it. I am ever evolving into a better person so sit back and enjoy the show. *Spank*.

My Interests

Roller Skating; Knitting; Playing Drums; Going to Irish Festivals to listen to Celtic bands; Going to Irish Pubs and getting shyte; Going to that new restaurant and listening to that new band; Supporting local music; Going to the Opera; Roman history; buying wigs; riding Le Scoot on a warm, sunny day; Female Singers (can we get a female Irish BAND?); Torturing children; Getting lost in a bookstore; Winning at trivia games; Falling in love with strangers; Arguing just for the sake of arguing; Singing Karaoke; Tattoos; Abnormal people; and other things that are none of your business.

I'd like to meet:

Someone who has a clue... width="425" height="350" ..


Schizophrenic (according to Shiloh)
You Are Ani Difranco!
Honest, real, and well liked.
You're not limited by any boundaries.
"And you can call me crazy
But I think you're as lazy as white paint on the wall" Who's Your Inner Rock Chick?


Boondock Saints, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Muriel's Wedding, Adventures of Pricella Queen of the Desert, Office Space, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Shaun of the Dead, The Commitments, Some Like it Hot, Tank Girl, Office Space, The Departed, Crybaby, Robin Hood: Men in Tights, Heathers, Shag, Back to the Futures, 300,


Nip/Tuck, Miami Ink, AquaTeenHungerForce, Family Guy, Simpsons, History/Discovery/Weather Channel, University of Kansas Basketball, Rome, Scrubs, Six Feet Under, getting in to Heros, Quantum Leap, My So-Called Life, Degrassi Jr. High, Absolutely Fabulous, Sex and the City, Sifl and Olie, Golden Girls, The Daily Show


Roller Derby for Dummies... you should read it too!


My Mom, My sis, Blanche Deveroux, Dolly Parton, Tina Turner, Tori Amos, Roller Girls, Ann Cavello, and all of the ladies throughout history who stood up and took the shit so that I could sit here and fuck the day away however I want to.

My Blog


It's become increasingly apparent that I lead two lives.  By day, I am surrounded by a large group of men that are regularily putting me down and, even though they're not allowed to verbalize it,...
Posted by Old Skool Beatdown on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 01:43:00 PST

Not in This Uterus!!!

*warning* This blog contains the word "Uterus"! Hellz yeah! I just got an IUD put in!  Cramping like a mofo, but not too bad otherwise.  For the uneducated, an IUD is an interuterine device....
Posted by Old Skool Beatdown on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 11:11:00 PST

Return of the Mojo

Dudes, I don't know what has happened but this weekend, the mojo resurfaced from beneith the bowels of my being to break through the surface to seek and destroy.  Granted, the power was directed ...
Posted by Old Skool Beatdown on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 05:44:00 PST

In the Ghettooooo

Ok, I had such a fun night last night that I have to tell you all at the same time instead of repeating it incessantly (so you're not like "larry, chill bitch.")     The day started of...
Posted by Old Skool Beatdown on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 05:19:00 PST

New job laments

Have I articulated to you all how much I hate my new squadron?  It hurts my inner spirit going there.  My supervisor is a bipolar asshole who is condescending and plays favorites.  He's...
Posted by Old Skool Beatdown on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 07:34:00 PST


I was eating at Kelly's tonight and there was this family with a little girl in a booster seat thing at the table next to me.  She was staring at me, but since I have an aversion towards anyone w...
Posted by Old Skool Beatdown on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 07:29:00 PST

Kinda like Foreplay

So I went to Derby Practice tonight bound and determined to break 5 laps in under a minute.  I usually run 1:07-1:08.  I roll over to the starting line and suddenly become extremely nervous....
Posted by Old Skool Beatdown on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 08:56:00 PST

It happens in real life!!!

Yesterday I was riding my scooter home from work when I realized I had to go to the NEX to get some uniform stuff.  I'm almost there when, to my horror, my scooter breaks down.  I pull over...
Posted by Old Skool Beatdown on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 07:24:00 PST


I'm fuckin' pissed!  Here I am, enjoying a lovely steak dinner at San Antonio Sam's on Colley, thinking how strange it was that I haven't ran into anyone I have worked with -espically Navy wise -...
Posted by Old Skool Beatdown on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 03:40:00 PST

General Support Equipment

I'm an independant woman.  I have no issues with being single.  I like being by myself since I pretty much like people leaving me alone anyway.  Like, I live alone, go to the movies alo...
Posted by Old Skool Beatdown on Sat, 26 Aug 2006 09:00:00 PST