Raven Darkhold profile picture

Raven Darkhold

Love begins when hatred ends...

About Me

I'm a bit more outgoing than I used to be and it's been great. My friends consider me the goth person of the group. I'm really into gothic clothes or anything that's black with leather and/or lace. hehePeople who know me from school probably remember me as being really shy and quiet most of the time, but I've broken out of my shyness a little bit. I've taken a bellydancing class and it's helped me discover more about myself. I've taken some time off from bellydancing and have gotten into roller derby. It's an interesting shift of gears from something very tranquil to something more um...physical. lol It's wonderful and I'm really enjoying being a part of the Richmond Derby Demons.I'm really into Japanese culture. I LOVE anime and anything Japanese related (food, clothes, comics, video games, etc.)! I also really enjoy attending anime conventions and cosplaying different characters.

My Interests

Anime, Manga, Japanese Culture, Sushi, Pocky, Comics, Video Gaming, Gothic Fashion (Cyber, Gothic Lolita), Punk, Rave, Bellydancing, The 80's, Movies, Martial Arts, Clubs, the Beach, the Environment/Nature

I'd like to meet:

I'm always up for meeting new friends and keeping in touch with old ones. Please feel free to send me a message if you think we've got some things in common or if you're just bored. ^_~* My Buddies!! I have awesome friends :) The boyfriend

My Woodbridge girl

My cute cosplay girl

My NOVA girl

All about some He-Man

Also a member of the Labyrinth fanclub

Jet Ski fanatic

The hot artsy one

The Ghost Hunter

My Amaretto Sour Buddy!

My boi in Tennessee!!

Cutie in Cali

Richmond Derby Demons!!!

Gamer Mike


The Lorax

Vagina Rodeo...nuff said

I'm Rich Bitch!!

If ya wanna know...

Kawaii Sarah!

Tequila Rogue!

Eva Chaos!

Gloominara Unruli!

Bonnie Blindside!

Livia Madness!

View all of animecutie's Friends


I love all music...but I'm mainly into R & B, hip hop, techno, 80's and J-pop (Japanese pop).


Labyrinth, Princess Bride, Neverending Story (first one), Robinhood Men in Tights, Friday, Poltergeist (I lOVE Horror flix), Amityville Horror (old and new), Kill Bill Vol 1 & 2, The Matrix (first one), Vampire Hunter D, Rocky Horror, Spirited Away, Secretary, Very Bad Things, Scary Movie 1 & 2, The Ring, Office Space, Heavy Metal, Men in Black, Mean Girls, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Sin City, Just One of the Guys, Pretty in Pink, Breakfast Club, Half Baked, Cool World, and The Fifth Element, Wedding Crashers, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Sky High (it was cute...although I try to stay away from Disney movies), Team America (Fuck Yeah!), Hackers, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Spaceballs, Evil Dead, Rush Hour, Battle Royale, Naked Weapon, Highway to Hell (am I the only one who's seen this?), Hellraiser (the first 3)


Simpsons, Futurama, Family Guy, Full Metal Alchemist, Boondocks,X-men, Spiderman, South Park, Teen Titans, Justice League (Unlimited), Nip Tuck (yeah, I know lol), CSI, Aeon Flux (on Liquid Television back in the day), everything from the 80's and early to mid 90's.


LOTR, The Catcher in the Rye, A Portrait of Dorian Gray, and Beloved.

Myspace Graphics


My mom, of course (I'll always love you!!), Wonder Wooomaaan! and the old, weird dude from Family Guy ("Thinkin' about the muscly-armed paperboy. Wishin' he'd come by and bring me some good news.")

My Blog

Mo Money!

I meant to post this sooner...I got my raise.  It's not a huge raise, but it's something, right? It'll help out even more that gas prices are under $2 now...I never thought I'd have to say that. ...
Posted by Kristen on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 02:28:00 PST

Please stop the music!

Well it's 2 am and I have to be at work at 8 and I'm still awake. My neighbor has his music blasting below me so all I can hear is bass. I would go down there and ask him to turn it down, but I don't ...
Posted by Kristen on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 11:18:00 PST

The Westgate Scam

Hey all, I went to Williamsburg for a few days and had a blast...aside from the timeshare scam that motivated us to come down there in the first place. I found this deal online for 7 day unlimited Bu...
Posted by Kristen on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 01:34:00 PST

River City Roller Girl!!!

Hey all, I know it's been forever since I've written anything. Doh! lol I'm just really excited about finally finding a Roller Derby! Yeah, I didn't know Richmond has a roller derby forming now. They...
Posted by Kristen on Wed, 07 Jun 2006 08:04:00 PST


It's almost 6am and I just got home from a really nice surprise b-day party at Friday's. I also ended up going to a friends house after a visit to the ice skating rink, which was out of the question s...
Posted by Kristen on Sat, 17 Dec 2005 03:00:00 PST

Accidents can happen...

Hey all, Well, today was very eventful. On Chris' way back home from dropping me off at work this morning he apparently ran into the back of someone on the highway. He's not hurt and the car isn't in...
Posted by Kristen on Sat, 22 Oct 2005 04:38:00 PST

Life is Good :)

Hey all, Just wanted to say that I'm very happy at my new job and that everything's working out great. I get my first pay check this Friday!! Really excited about being able to get another car soon ...
Posted by Kristen on Thu, 08 Sep 2005 04:10:00 PST