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Wry Bred.

About Me

I've recently switched from boxers to boxer briefs, and so far it's a pretty good change. Underwear aside, I'm witty, sweet, sarcastic, silly, affectionate, darkly funny, a 'lil rough around the edges, super-courteous but take no shit. I play guitar in a handful of bands ( Charmless , Truxton , Doug Mallard and The Regrettable Scenes ) just like every other jackanape. I'm lucky enough to make a living out of being creative. I'm both a good egg and a bad seed. I usually put my right sock and right shoe on before my left sock and left shoe. I've experienced unfettered joy as well as tragic loss. I'm left handed. I'm not afraid to do something really goofy to make someone smile. I'm not a big partier and enjoy being a bit of a homebody- I'm not the type that wants to be out until 4 am getting drunk. I work hard to live in a world full of solutions, not problems. I write in black ink, not blue, and never in pencil. I'm also more of a listener than a talker - brevity is the soul of wit. A fun night for me is more about good times spent laughing and connecting with friends, not acting out like a drunk college kid in need of attention. Alternately, throw a new challenge at me & I'll give it the ol' college try, and probably enjoy the bumps, cuts & bruises I might get on the way. Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Interests

Travel, sleep, my cat Stella, my niece Riley, my godson Jett, vintage guitars, comic books, cuban food (esp. the fire-roasted corn on the cob), napping, my scooter, record shopping, tacos from Los Cantaros, quiet times on the couch, effects pedals, tube amps, catching some zzz's, turkey and cranberry sauce sandwiches, crosswords, dancing the funky chicken in my boxers, korean food, whistling christmas carols, dozing off, going running/staying in shape.

I'd like to meet:

Firecrackers who, as well, take no shit. People that want to know and be known, who are secure (or secure with their inscurities), confident and courteous. Those that enjoy doing random nice things for others. Proud outsiders. Witty, low-key Instant Messenger buddies. Those who can teach me a thing'r'two, but who also want to learn. Human beings with big hearts, preferably worn on the sleeve. Difficult yet reasonable people who give only that which they'd like to receive. Folk who can be a total dorks in public and not give a shit. People who know it's not about having everything, just the right things. Square pegs. Those that grow, strive, achieve. People who see hurdles as challenges, not problems. And lastly, those with a knack for interior design, who'll help me pick out new furniture and redo my apartment!

Oh, and those that sing their own tune, no matter how they're brought up:

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Let's just do the semi-short list: The Beatles, Husker Du/Sugar/Bob Mould, Roxy Music, The Replacements, Joy Division, Doug Mallard, Brian Eno, The Clash, Wedding Present, Uncle Tupelo, The Pogues, Bauhaus, The Church, Jawbreaker, Tom Petty, Wire, The Jesus and Mary Chain, Syd Barrett, The Stone Roses, Gang of Four, The Kinks, Public Enemy, Velvet Underground, The Jam, M.I.A., Nic Jones, The Smiths, Bloc Party, The Damned, Elvis Costello, The Jazz Butcher, all the 80's tunes I hated in the 80's, all the 80's tunes I dug in the 80's.


Wonder Boys, Amelie, Godfather Trilogy, The World According to Garp, Goodfellas, American Beauty, Casino, Clockwork Orange, Dumbo, 1941, History of the World pt1, Spider-Man 2, the Harry Potter series.


Little Britain, The Office (both UK and US), pre-70's Bugs/Daffy/WB Cartoons, Sopranos, Simpsons, Justice League, X-Men, Powerpuff Girls, Horribly bad reality TV, Adult Swim, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Animal Planet, The History Channel.



My Blog

So sue me.

I like singin' along to my iPod when I go for walks, and I don't care if you think it's funny or weird or whatnot. Deal with it.
Posted by Jeremy on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 09:50:00 PST

Smack Attack

There've been two car accidents in front o' my building this weekend. WTF?
Posted by Jeremy on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 02:26:00 PST


Paying the gov't ain't fun, but at least it's done.
Posted by Jeremy on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 06:56:00 PST

hehe meme

Posted by Jeremy on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 02:01:00 PST

An odd name for a female, fo' sho'.

Which DISNEY character are you most like? MaleficentTake this quiz!Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code...
Posted by Jeremy on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 08:42:00 PST

Life sentence - damn, that sounds dark! But really, it's not.

So, I'll fully admit- I've never been a big poetry guy. Lyrics, yes, verse, of course, but I've never had a "purpose" for poetry really. Until today. Whilst showerin' this mornin', it dawned on me to ...
Posted by Jeremy on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 11:08:00 PST

This week, in pedals.

[beginguitargeek]For some reason, my gear-whoredom kicked in big this week. Oof! For example:Ebay'd today from the UK. Been wantin' one for a decade! Somewhere between Sugar and The Stooges, this 'un ...
Posted by Jeremy on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 07:24:00 PST

I just said "bless you" to my cat when she sneezed.

Oh man.
Posted by Jeremy on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 07:04:00 PST

That was perrrrty nice.

So I've gotta say, tonight's Truxton show was the most fun I've had onstage in years. It was fun, funny, nearly flawless, and full o' energy. I didn't wanna stop playin'!
Posted by Jeremy on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 11:52:00 PST

The Great Guitar Geekend

Man, what a great couple o' days off!Saturday began with the World Guitar Show in Marin. I sold a guitar I wasn't using for a tidy profit within 5 min, and showed amazing restraint by not purchasing a...
Posted by Jeremy on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 09:40:00 PST