O RLY? profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

White Owl. Internet Icon. Sarcastic. Hate people that don't believe. For people that are wondering who I am, ...I'M THE O RLY OWL! YARLY!! I'm teh coolest and most hottest thing in teh world.
You can see me in teh internet. Here are some YTMND's about me.
http://orly-8ball.ytmnd.com/ (Me debating with Ya RLY!)
http://orlysextape.ytmnd.com/.. (Me getting it ON. Mature content)
http://nospinowl.ytmnd.com/ (Me debating with Jesse Ventura)
http://scatmon.ytmnd.com/ (Me hangin' out with Harry and Ron)

MSN Messenger - [email protected]

My Interests

YTMND, Forums, Blogs, flying, small animals dat can't see me coming at dem in teh night, Mating season, E-mail, Hard Drinks, IM, my movies, video games, hot flying animals, night vision, claw sharpeners, Ya Rly owl's mom.

I'd like to meet:

Other feathered or furry creatures that dig my milky white feathers and sexy stare.


Jihad Jerry and The Evildoers, Owl and the Pussycats, Melodious Owl,


Harry Potters, Night Owls, Napoleon Dynamite (I almost got a part in that), Anything Guy Ritchie did except for that movie he made with Madonna, ....hum....


O Rly Factor, Animal Planet.


Harry Potter. I'm a huge star.


YTMND.COM, Manimal, OWL (Winnie the Pooh),

My Blog

Lotion on what???

So I was told today dat I should use some kind of lotions on my claws. Srsly, what kind of bird wud put lotions on their claws? It was ya rly's korean nailz peoplez. I fired dem. I need my claws sharp...
Posted by O RLY? on Thu, 10 May 2007 08:48:00 PST

Merry Buttseks

So I got a hummer for teh xmas. And no, not teh car. So it was a gud xmas. I hope everyone getz a hummer for xmas. I aizked for some buttseks for new yers. Let's see what happenz! LONG LIVE TEH SEXORZ...
Posted by O RLY? on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 08:26:00 PST

WOW is for What? One Week?

So with all teh moneys I made from my upcoming moofie, I decided to go out and buy myself something nice. My friend said, get a new video gamez since you liek those so much. So I did just that...I bou...
Posted by O RLY? on Tue, 04 Jul 2006 06:54:00 PST

I've been reeealy busy

Hokay, so I must appologeize for not being on myspace so daym much. I'll tell you what, I've been working on teh new moofie, "HOOT". Das reight. Check it out here http://www.hootmovie.com/ So I hopes...
Posted by O RLY? on Wed, 05 Apr 2006 02:13:00 PST

Stolen Freinds!

So, dis haipened teh oder night while I was haivng drinks with dis oder hawt @$$ owl ( I totaly banged her!). DIS Well, I know teh owls. Dei are Fraizor and Kevinz. Dei are cool. We liek to drink teh...
Posted by O RLY? on Fri, 03 Mar 2006 11:47:00 PST


   HOKAY! So today I cheked my freinds list. And dis is what I found. Scairy!
Posted by O RLY? on Sun, 12 Feb 2006 09:47:00 PST

OMG! Old peoples are teh slows.

Hokay,   So today I was flying over teh roads. I noticed how someteims, teh old peoples don't dreiv fast enough. I could fly right past them. So I started thinking. I would assume dat when people...
Posted by O RLY? on Tue, 07 Feb 2006 11:38:00 PST

Candey STORY

Posted by O RLY? on Thu, 08 Dec 2005 12:35:00 PST

Maiks me ANGREES!

Hokay! So I'm goint through teh interneit, you kno, whear I leik to hang out. Wells, turns out dat everywhair der is someone offereing me eider a brand knew XBOX 360 or a Ipod NaYNO! Well, I think it'...
Posted by O RLY? on Thu, 08 Dec 2005 05:19:00 PST


So I deceided to start blogging. Don't know what to blog about since I have been out of work for quite some teim. I leik to fly out at night and attack teh little ugly creatures that I like to eat. Di...
Posted by O RLY? on Wed, 07 Dec 2005 11:40:00 PST