Lady Dubheasa profile picture

Lady Dubheasa

Desserts is stressed spelled backward. .. ..

About Me

I'm 42-years old, separated for over three years and working on my divorce. I'm the Department Admin for a great department of a fantastic human services agency. I'm extremely proud of my 20-year old son. I joined the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) about 10 years ago and love it!! The friends I've made will remain my friends until the day I die. I live in the Barony of Thescorre, in the Sylvan Kingdom of AEthelmearc. I have a dessert company called "Dubheasa's Decadent Desserts". I specialize in chocolate desserts and cheesecakes. Chocolate is one of my passions. Reading is another one. I have other passions, as well. My sense of humor could be described as sarcastic by some, goofy or raunchy by others. It all depends on my mood, the people I'm with, and the situation I'm in. I'm spiritual, but definitely not religious. I don't believe I need to be inside of a stone building with others, saying prayers by rote. I'm an insomniac, which I really hate but can't do much about. I used to be a huge klutz! I was Mistress Goddess of Klutz-Fu. I gave up that title and am now a graceful swan.

Myspace Layouts at / Chocolate love

My Interests

Chocolate, SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism), Pennsic, reading, cooking feasts for large numbers of hungry people, chocolate, baking, sewing, counted cross-stitch, archery, creating pottery, chocolate, watching movies, Dungeons & Dragons, listening to music, chocolate, Middle Eastern dancing and drumming, playing my djembe, English Country medieval dancing, chocolate, Arthurian legends, good wine, family, and friends. Oh, yeah. Did I mention I love chocolate?
Myspace Layouts

I'd like to meet:

Others who have similar interests and hobbies. I would like to meet people who have open minds, as I have no tolerance for ignorance. I'd love to add more SCAdians to my friends list. I would love to meet people who can make me laugh till it hurts, yet be able to carry on an intelligent conversation. I'm tired of people saying one thing, but turn around and act the opposite way.Please don't send friend requests without writing to introduce yourself. Especially if your profile is set to private. You will only be denied.Life is way too short. Why not write?


80's alternative, especially The Smiths. I was fortunate enough to see them twice, at Canada's Wonderland, 20+ years ago and still continue to love the music. I also love Celtic music and Middle Eastern music. Actually, I like all kinds of music. Except rap, heavy metal, and twangy country. I'm coming to realize that not *all* country music is bad. LOL


Some of my favorite movies (too many to mention here) include any movie with Clive Owen. Other faves include Princess Bride, Shrek and Shrek 2, The Goonies, Closer, Ghost, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Pretty in Pink and the rest of the Brat Pack movies, Dragonheart, Lady Hawk, Twister, Elizabeth, Elizabeth ~ the Golden Age, and Rain Man... width="425" height="350">.. .. ....>


Although I don't normally watch TV, I love House (which I DVR), the original CSI, Ghost Hunters, and Medium. Two shows I wish were still on ~ X-Files and Millenium. I also like Still Standing (Jami Gertz cracks me up).


The Mists of Avalon, Harry Potter series, Ann Rice (and her books under her pen names), and David Gemmell's books. I have a mini library, which includes over 100 books covering the Arthurian Legend. Most are novels, but I have some that are research-based. My favorite Arthurian book? Le Morte D'Arthur.


I used to like Wonder Woman. Llamas are intriguing. I admire my mom for everything she went through. And potatoes.

My Blog

What I did on my summer vacation

Please check out the new video in my profile, under "Music". While at Pennsic, I, along with the other three core Middle Eastern dummers, played onstage at the Middle Eastern Expo. It was one of the h...
Posted by Lady Dubheasa on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 05:20:00 PST

Life update

Been a while since I've posted a blog.  Bear with me.  It's been quite a busy few months.  There have been a few major things going on in my life.  First, I started a ne...
Posted by Lady Dubheasa on Tue, 22 Jul 2008 06:43:00 PST

What my birthday means to me

Your Birthdate: February 3 iz/birthday.gif" height="100" width="100">You are more than a big ball of energy - you are a big ball of hyper.You ...
Posted by Lady Dubheasa on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 06:18:00 PST

Join me on the MySpace Compare Houses! and build homes with me. If you join I get 200 points :) It's a fun little MySpace game: Compare Houses! I want a hobbit house. Please join this ...
Posted by Lady Dubheasa on Mon, 19 May 2008 07:38:00 PST

Join me on the MySpace Compare Houses! and build homes with me. If you join I get 200 points :) It's a fun little MySpace game: Compare Houses! This is a fun game. I think it's even m...
Posted by Lady Dubheasa on Mon, 05 May 2008 03:12:00 PST

I hate my knee

Well, I had a follow-up appointment with my orthopedic doctor this afternoon for my injured knee.  The news was definitely not the best.  The cartiledge behind the knee is flaking off in pie...
Posted by Lady Dubheasa on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 06:55:00 PST


I put in for time off earlier this week for vacation.  It was just approved for August 1 - 11.  I’m so excited that I’m going to Pennsic!  I will be pre-regging with Thescor...
Posted by Lady Dubheasa on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 12:03:00 PST

Stupid ice

I apologize ahead of time if I sound bitchy.  I'm just very frustrated.  Last week, I tore the cartiledge in my right knee and possibly the main ligament.  I stepped on a patch of ice ...
Posted by Lady Dubheasa on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 08:57:00 PST

Rest in Peace, my Friend

With great sadness, I announce to all my SCAdian friends that the Society has lost a wonderful and valued member. In the words of one of our talented bards, "the Honorable Lord Ulric Wulfricson, Compa...
Posted by Lady Dubheasa on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 08:12:00 PST

Prayers needed

I got word not too long ago that a friend of mine is in the hospital and is not expected to live through the night.  Ulric (Phil) has had pneumonia for a couple weeks, but refused to go to a doct...
Posted by Lady Dubheasa on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 12:29:00 PST