RJ profile picture


Artist, designer, student , teacher ...Challenges are opportunities to discover ones self!

About Me

I'm interested in just about every thing. I enjoy meeting new people and learning what there perspectives are from various aspects of every day life to the cosmos. I'm not into sports, don't have much time for TV. I enjoy designing and building structures, involved in wood working and metal working. However I have trouble spelling my own name ... dyslexic ... TG for spell check!---. --- Love is a never ending progressive enterprise that harbors no stagnant certainties, a philosophy of which may ask eternally relevant questions but can expect no eternally valid answers. rj2

My Interests

Wood working, metal working, gardening (design and building), concrete casting and more.

I'd like to meet:

Creative people!! Other SCA members!MY TRECKIE RESULTS: Your results:
You are Deanna Troi Deanna Troi 80% Data 73% Spock 72% Beverly Crusher 70% Geordi LaForge 70% Jean-Luc Picard 60% Mr. Scott 50% Mr. Sulu 50% Will Riker 50% Uhura 45% Worf 45% An Expendable Character (Redshirt) 45% James T. Kirk (Captain) 35% Chekov 35% Leonard McCoy (Bones) 25% You are a caring and loving individual.
You understand people's emotions and
you are able to comfort and counsel them.
Click here to take the Star Trek Personality Quiz


Classical ... not modern composers! 50's & 60's rock, Opera.


Comedies, musicals and a good love story.


Discovery, History, National Gio, PBS, Comidy.


I have my own privet collection of 1000+ books mostly pertaining to science, math and mythology, also many related to crafts and building.


Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Euclid, Buddha, Copernicus, Kepler