Eccentricity, beer, food, sleep, music, art, more food, wasting money..... usually on food...
Made out of meat, dead, ground-up, seasoned, mixed into country gravy and served generously on a plate of fluffy buttermilk biscuits. I would then proceed to drown this in ketchup, black pepper, and tabasco. Mmmmm.I'd also settle for entities that come with wasabi.
"Music is like beer. You listen to the song. You have a lot of fun. As soon as it's done, you want another one" --Dave Brockie
Movies are mostly shit. And you have to sift through that shit to find the gems. What gems there are for me, I dare not mention, for I will not be able to avoid leaving some out.
Currently, "The Short List" on PBS, also Boohbah. I'm a sucker for nature shows and any cartoon that makes me laugh. Ren & Stimpy is the best show ever.
I like to read and write A LOT... Mostly biographies about fav. people, stuff about war (esp. with swords and such... the gorier the better). Any good story, if it's compelling enough, I'm all over it. I love Thompson, Bukowski, Katherine Dunn, Bunch of Other Bastards....... My writing kicks ass occasionally.
Noah, Patrice, Precilla, and (In no particular order) Salvador Dali, Jim Morrison, Charles Bukowski, Dave "Oderus" Brockie, Trevor Dunn, Jason Christian, Jan Svankmajer, Hunter S. Thompson, Ray Harryhausen, My Right Hand, Jojo from the Candlelight, Beefcake The Mighty (all alter egos), My Left Hand, Ben Walker, Nikola Tesla, Wayne Coyne, Spencer Ferrier, Nobi Hosaka, Azriel Sin, almost all the non-human persons I've ever met... The list goes on.