SAVE SARIANA 1ST & BIG DAVE 2nd {UPDATE ON SAR profile picture



About Me

My name is David, I am 24 years old and I have Cystic Fibrosis. SAVE BIG DAVE was started in 2005 by my friend and I. We knew that we didn’t have millions of dollars to donate to disease research, but that awareness is just as important. We decided to use music as a mediam to raise CF awareness. We have raised thousands of dollars over the past couple years through benefit concerts and t-shirt sales. I personally want to do my part to help find a cure for the most grave genetic disease known to mankind. We would eventually like to be able to help out those CF patients and families who have outrageous medical bills, since congress seems to keep cutting or eliminating assistance completely. We also want to create a forum for people who have CF and their loved ones. It always helps to have someone there for support, or even just to relate to. I am currently working on the new SAVE BIG DAVE clothing line, and the first ever SAVE BIG DAVE compilation disc/mix tape. The compilation CD will feature many bands that promote and support SAVE BIG DAVE and CF awareness. If your band is interested in helping out just shoot me a message or just hit me up on AIM “BigDaveRecords”. Check out some of the bands that help support SAVE BIG DAVE by clicking on their links below and go show them some love.
You can help by taking action to fight state issued and nation wide budget cuts to Cystic Fibrosis Foundation assistance programs. In recent years, states such as Minnesota, Arizona, and Virginia have completely eliminated their adult CF programs. CLICK HERE to find out more information.
Facts About CF:
Pronunciation: 'sistik fI'browsis
:: One of the most common genetic diseases, especially in Caucasian populations, affects about 30,000 people in the United States. An individual must inherit two defective genes (one from each parent) to have CF. The defective genes cause the body to produce abnormally thick and sticky mucus that clogs the lungs, causes difficulty breathing from mucus accumulation in airways. It can be detected by faulty digestion and a deficiency of pancreatic enzymes, which keep the pancreas from breaking down and absorbing foods.
:: Without treatment, CF results in death for 95% of affected children before age 5.
:: The median age for people with CF is 35.1 years
:: About 1,000 new cases of CF are diagnosed each year.
:: More than 95% of men with CF are sterile.
:: CF occurs in approximately one of every 3,500 live births.
:: One in 400 white couples is at risk for having children with CF.
:: Each time two carriers conceive, there is a 25 percent chance that their child will have CF; a 50 percent chance that the child will be a carrier of the CF gene; and a 25 percent chance that the child will be a non-carrier.
:: More than 10 million Americans are unknowing, symptomless carriers of the defective CF gene.
:: The mucus build up can block the bile duct in the liver, eventually causing permanent liver damage in approximately six percent of people with CF.
:: CF appears usually in early childhood where diagnosis is most important.
:: There are more than 1,000 different mutations of the CF gene.
:: A sweat chloride test is the standard diagnostic test for CF. A high amount of salt found in the sweat indicates CF.
:: To help with digestion, many CF patients take enzymes with their meals to help the pancreas break down the food.
:: Adults with CF may also be at risk of having CF-related diabetes and osteoporosis

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Support some of my best friends and roommates

Things in my life that I think are funny:

I was on tour with 36 Crazyfists, Falling Closer, and Rose Moyer a couple years ago. In San Francisco we met up with some of Brock's friends from Alaska named Ben and his sister Emily. Emily brought some of her friends from their college which is near San Francisco. We were playing at The Pound(R.I.P.) and everyone was getting way too drunk. Emily, Rita, and I were looking for their friend for about half an hour until we saw these legs laying down next to the dumpster. Yes yes yes, we found her. Passed out on the ground next to a dirty ass dumpster lol..... that was one of the best tour stories I have since living in an RV isn't my idea of living. Later that night Ben, who was drunk as hell picked up some dudes car with a fork lift lol.

When I was 18, I was playing summer league baseball at Madison High in Portland. I became very close to some friends named Joey and Scott. One night we went out and Scott smoked and drank so much that he puked in the front lawn when we got home to Joey's house around 3am. If you think that's the gross part then you have something coming.... when we woke up in the morning there were a couple crows eating his puke out of the yard lol. So disgusting, but it's funny to me.

A couple years ago we(Falling Closer) were playing a New Years Eve show with a few other local bands. My roommate Thomas had a hatred for one of the drummers in another band and decided to tell him. He got so wasted then ran on stage to say, "You suck man. You are terrible. I'll challenge you to a drum off. 3 beats and you're dead!" lol

...and of course there's that one time last summer when I told this Marilyn Monroe look alike that she looked hot, then I looked closer and it was a cross dresser. ewwwwwwww

more to come.......

My Blog

Update on Sariana 1: The Girl Who Makes The World Turn

Over the last few days I have recieved hundreds of emails from people praying for Sariana, wishing her well, and asking about her. I know this means a lot to everyone involved including me. She's a ve...
Posted by SAVE SARIANA 1ST & BIG DAVE 2nd {UPDATE ON SARI} on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 06:27:00 PST

The Tide & Its Takers - Support Good People

To: All of my friends and supporters From: BIG DAVE I want to make you all aware of a band that has been a very big supporter of SAVE BIG DAVE from the very first day. They are called 36 Crazyfists. T...
Posted by SAVE SARIANA 1ST & BIG DAVE 2nd {UPDATE ON SARI} on Wed, 28 May 2008 06:09:00 PST

About the lovely Sariana / The Update

Hey guys and gals, everyone is asking me who Sariana is, and why I want to save her first instead of me, so here's a little note Sariana posted a few days ago. I hope it clears some thi...
Posted by SAVE SARIANA 1ST & BIG DAVE 2nd {UPDATE ON SARI} on Fri, 23 May 2008 04:06:00 PST

R.I.P. Katie

People always say that losing a loved one gets easier with time. I disagree. 4 years ago today I lost one of the most amazing people that ever came into my life. Since then I have been trying to live...
Posted by SAVE SARIANA 1ST & BIG DAVE 2nd {UPDATE ON SARI} on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 01:46:00 PST

Oregon Friends

OREGON FRIENDSCategory: FriendsFriends: Tell you not to do something stupid when drunkOREGON Friends: Will post 360 degree security so you don't get caught---------------------------------------------...
Posted by SAVE SARIANA 1ST & BIG DAVE 2nd {UPDATE ON SARI} on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 01:24:00 PST

I need your phone numbers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My phone got messed up. Lost all the numbers. Shoot me a message with your phone number. Later BIG DAVE
Posted by SAVE SARIANA 1ST & BIG DAVE 2nd {UPDATE ON SARI} on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 02:17:00 PST

Quarter Life Crisis

This is something that hits everyone. You can't get around it. Life changes and you need to start making decisions that affect your long term future. Long gone are the days where all you worried about...
Posted by SAVE SARIANA 1ST & BIG DAVE 2nd {UPDATE ON SARI} on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 02:51:00 PST

A Transitional Stage In Life: Walk or Run

A Transitional Stage In Life : Walk or Run Age is a number, but I know many people that have had to grow up faster than most. I feel sometimes that I've lived 50 years even though I'm only 24. I'm fin...
Posted by SAVE SARIANA 1ST & BIG DAVE 2nd {UPDATE ON SARI} on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 01:56:00 PST

Journal Entry - December 8th - Through The Eyes Of A Child

December 8th 2005 - Through The Eyes Of A Child: Today was one of the best days Ive had in a long time. I learned a lot about myself and had my eyes opened to many things. I got my butt up at 6am...
Posted by SAVE SARIANA 1ST & BIG DAVE 2nd {UPDATE ON SARI} on Sat, 24 Dec 2005 02:24:00 PST

Journal Entry - December 2nd - Filling In The Pages

December 2nd 2005 - Filling In The Pages: Some days are better than others. That always seems to be the way things go. Life is a roller coaster. Sometimes you struggle just to make it through the day....
Posted by SAVE SARIANA 1ST & BIG DAVE 2nd {UPDATE ON SARI} on Sat, 03 Dec 2005 07:17:00 PST