I'm 20 years old, Cuban (+ a ton of other nationalities), and really short :D
I try and not to be judgmental of other people, and I'd hope to be shown the same respect, because I am NOT what you except (Unless you're all ready expecting a barrel of awesome :D)
I have a special place in my heart for intelligence :D
I've come to realize that I have the most amazing friends in the entire world, and you should be jealous
I go to Saint Joseph's University, which I'm learning to love :D
I honestly loves me some mosh pit, and can get down with some crazy dancin' like nobodies business :D
I have Cystic Fibrosis, and really hope to one day see a cure for CF happen...though at the same time, I consider it a blessing everyday for having it, because I wouldn't be half the person I am if I hadn't had to fight to be me :D
I tend to get straight A's and am BFF with my professors, which comes with the territory of being a nerd :D
I'm pretty horrible at sports, not gonna lie.
Eventually, I'm going to turn my crazy life antics into a career of Editing, Publishing and professional Writing (or possibly Psychiatry, I'm torn. :)