Soft Charlie profile picture

Soft Charlie

It sounds soft but it is hard!

About Me

Hi, I'm Soft Charlie. Maybe you think the name sounds a bit dull but I can assure you that what's behind it is truly hardcore (well not as in the meaning of hardcore metal, but in a more distinct manner as in the word tuff).I grew up in the second largest city of denmark and their I played in various bands thru the years. The latest was FATIGUE together with the electrodrummer Sofie and before that KillKill, Dynamite, KlubEns and Separations.Then I moved to Copenhagen together with my beautiful girlfriend and that's where we live now.I've always loved the sounds of Synthesizers and robotic drumming but it took me many years to obtain the sound I have now (and it probably won't last long.)I hope you like my music - if not it's okay, have a nice day anyway.With love Soft Charlie

My Interests


Member Since: 5/18/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:

Band Members:
Soft Charlie (vocals, Whistling, claps), Mac (the rest)
Influences: Right now I flip out to: Styrofoam, Hot Chip, I'm from Barcelona, Moz, Au Revoir Simone, Lo-Fi-Fnk, Pocket Symphony by Air, Pet Sounds by Beach Boys, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Daft Punk's Discovery, Das Kometen, Erlend Oye, Harmony Boys, Hot Chip, The Knife, Jackson & his computer band, Junior Boys, Action Biker, Kings of Convenience, Pet shop boys, M83, Isan, The Beatles Magical Mystery Tour, Mylo, Ratatat, Röyksopp, 2raumwohnung, Old Aphex Twin, Björk's Homogenic, the Blade Runner soundtrack by Vangelis, Darkel, Dub Tractor, Duo505, Kraftwerk, Jarvis Cocker, First Floor Power, Komeda, Les Rythmes Digitales and Gustav Mahler.
Sounds Like:

Band Members:
Soft Charlie sounds a bit like Soft Charlie.
Record Label: None
Type of Label: None

My Blog


Hi everyoneSo I made it to DR KarriereKanonen on the danish national radio/television station and if you love, hate og don't care about my music I'd be happy if you'd visit their website and rate me o...
Posted by Soft Charlie on Mon, 26 May 2008 04:27:00 PST

5 tall models melody

undefined 5 tall models Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Soft Charlie on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 02:08:00 PST

About Emil

Emil and I have recorded some nice vocal tracks and I am editing them right now. You can allready listen to his sweet voice on 'Slaves of fashion' and 'Why?' - but there are more to come.
Posted by Soft Charlie on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 11:21:00 PST

Music video to come

So Casper Balslev an I are working on a video for Hey Mickey. We are still gathering ideas - but someday ...In the mean time kill time by watching one of my all time favourites:
Posted by Soft Charlie on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 11:19:00 PST

Rap along

So 'Hey Mickey' is finally finished (after way too many years!) and my girlfriend MC Easy Anja put the final touch on it with her sweet old school rap.So rap along to this:Ref.: Hey Mickey Mickey can'...
Posted by Soft Charlie on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 11:16:00 PST

Casper Balslev, Photographer

Casper Balslev is the great photograher behind my new soft shots. Thanks a lot Casper. Check more Balslev on: or
Posted by Soft Charlie on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 12:47:00 PST