Member Since: 12/4/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: vincent cacchione, mike curry, dan costello, clancy flynn, rob durham.....also contributinos from: nick coleman, tate bushell, christopher gobo pierce, rachel devlin, maya caballero, debe dalton, caitlin jaene (of BLUE HIPPO), and vinnie sgro from OURS
Sounds Like: "Vin's songs combine a William Blake romanticism with down-to-earth balladeering. These intimate lo-fi recordings feel like you've been invited into a private recital with one of the scene's newest bright lights." Review of Vin's
"ramblin' down a dead end street" at
--------------"Beneath a giant, curly fro and tight, pyschedelic clothes, Vin is STILL a STRANGE character. Slumped againt a vintage wicker dresser in his grainy album art, he comes off as the 21st century reincarnation of T. Rex. Fortunately, the recording transcends impersonation. The New Jersey singer comfortably introduces himself as a sensitive and gentle folk musician. The album offers eight pretty lullabies, sung softly over minimal acoustic arrangements. The third track, "Mary in the Mirror," demonstrates the empathetic storytelling that Vin unwinds so easily..." Urban Folk Issue ..7--------------------------------------------------------"
Much better than, let's say...... DONOVAN. Yeah, that's right! Vin writes much better songs than Donovan." NYC Poet Belowsky!
Record Label: yes it's true i'm a big big star
Type of Label: None