The newest beer to join the Pittsburgh Brewing family is Augustiner (pronounced August-teen-er) Amber Lager. This smooth, amber lager has no aftertaste. Due to the fact that it is surprisingly light, you can enjoy Augustiner all night long and not get filled up. Since its release in 1999, the reaction to Augustiner has been exceptional, allowing us to offer Augustiner in the 30-pack and now available in 18 packs of 16oz. Aluminum Bottles!Augustiner gives a new look for the beers made at Pittsburgh Brewing. If you are seeking a a great tasting lager style beer, then Augustiner Amber Lager is the choice for you. Ask for Augustiner at your local taverns and beer distributors.If you're looking for little more taste and a fuller bodied product, Augustiner Dark is Pittsburgh Brewing Company's answer to this category. Both products in the Augustiner family have exceptional flavors and no lingering aftertaste.
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