I am a bass player from Melbourne (originally Sydney) Australia. I have spent most of the past 12 years touring oz gigging and recording with a whole bunch of artists, mainly in the 'Blues and Roots' scene.
Some people who i've worked with include: Jeff Lang, Matt Walker, Xavier Rudd, Chris Whitley, Kevin Borich, Dave Graney, Chain, Those Bloody Mckennas, Tim Hall, Ash Grunwald, Mia Dyson, Abbie Cardwell, Third Degree, Darren Jack, Michael Spiby, Ray Beadle, Phil Manning, Downhills Home, Emily Ulman, Louisville Sluggers, Corrina Steele, Backwood Creatures, D Henry Fenton, CWQ, Mal Eastick, Lloyd Spiegal, Phil Emmanuel and a stack of others.