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About Me

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So, I'm a player! Who isn't!?

Here's a real screenshot of my desktop:

Bad-Ass, Ain't it!? This Technology is available at Empire Studios!

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My Interests

Video Games, Gambling, movies, Business, E-Commerce, hanging out, Girls, etc.

Way Super Cool Game!
I play it all the time and the best thing about the game is that you can play it in any way you want! I often have a dozen or so guys on with me and I lead them as a Strike Force in the game.

I play the Jedi on the game, every chance I get! That's one of the best parts in it!
Yeah, I'm a Star Wars Fanatic! Who ain't!?
I have all 6 of the movies and I even have some prop replicas...

Since travel is currently impossible, I'm hoping a Star Wars convention is held in or near my hometown 1 day, but it's very unlikely! The Star Wars clubs would have nothing to gain over here... This state sucks, Hands Down!

I got an Aniken Skywalker ForceFX Lightsaber, a Darth Vader ForceFX Lightsaber & Mace Windu ForceFX Lightsaber. All sides of The Force united as One.

I'd like to meet:

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.. Anyone who's into Movies, Video Games, Women and Gambling!

Jenna is one of my dream dates!
She's so frikken HOT, that just looking at her face will get me started up!

I would like to meet her and talk to her one day... Who da' hell wouldn't!?

It'd be totally awesome to be in a flick with her, but I'd be happy just to simply talk with her and see if we have any common interests... The conversations themselves would be Interesting...

I got alot of her DVDs, video clips and a $hitload of photos! I lost track of my collection!

Krista Allen is another one of my Dream Dates! She's frikken hot too!
She didn't make many movies, so I wait for her late-night flicks to air on On-Demand and I record them myself. No I ain't bootlegging nothing and No you can't have them!

What would make our relationship interesting is that I can't Swim!

Women like to be in control... In the water, Krista would defiantly be in controll.
I know Jenny is pretty wild and tends to get out of control now and then, but who cares!?
She's one of the few Super Hot babes who's into Gambling, Nightlife and Video Games.

I think me and Jenny McCarthy would get along Fairly well. I just listed 3 things that we have in common.

Ray Almeda Interviewed By Jenny McCarthy at E3

Jenny McCarthy participates at a next-gen game system tournament at E3
I don't know what me and Denise Richards have in common, but she's HOT!!!
I feel bad for her, cause Charlie Sheen cheated on her! If I were married to Denise Richards, I'd be with her every night and not with some street whore!

Charlie Sheen is a total crack head for cheating on a babe like Denise Richards!

Denise, if you're reading this, You got my full support... Love ya!


StarWars (all 6 movies), Spacehunter, Blade Trinity, Under Siege, Iron Eagle, Ghostbusters, Lord of the Rings (all 3), Rocky (1, 2, 3 & 4), Superman (1, 2 & 3) Wildthings, Showgirls, Basic Instinct, Forbidden Games, and alot more!
Denise Richards is so HOT!!! Neve ain't at all bad either! Great Couple!

You get 2 really hot babes like Gina Gershon & Elizabeth Berkley in the same flick, you're sitting ontop of a Gold Mine!

Showgirls is one of a kind! A must see!
In my opinion, this was the best Fantasy thriller before Lord of the Rings came out!
Planet Krull, with 2 suns, is inhabited by human-like beings in the middle-ages. All seems normal from an outer-space view, but then an Alien Race, aboard their main Battle station, "The Black Fortress", invades the planet and nearly succeeds in wiping out everyone and everything!

In a nick of time, Colwyn, the guy with the princess on that image, manages to find an ultimate weapon, The Glaive, which proves much more effective than the Aliens' firepower.
This is The Glaive!
It is without a doubt, one of the most powerful hand weapons I've seen in any movie!

Colwyn, the main character, watches a mystical seer use his incredible foresight powers to locate The "Black Fortress", the Alien race's main base.
Movie info:
I grew up watching this movie...
In the future, a bounty hunter named "Wolf" sets out to rescue 3 Earth girls from an Alien Planet where no one has ever returned from!

On the way, he picks up Nikki, an unlikely tracking companion who inevitably becomes his partner.

Wolf encounters "Overdog", the planet's Tyrannical dictator who takes Nikki prisonor with the 3 Earth girls and Wolf soon finds himself constantly fighting for his own life before he can rescue anyone!

Movie info:
This is one of my favorite scenes in "Monty Python and the Holy Grail". Sir Bedevere forms a plan to take a castle by surprise, using the Trojan Horse as a tool... Only instead of building a large wooden horse, they build a large wooden Rabbit! After they realize their plan won't work, cause they forgot to get in it, Bedevere suggests they try again with a large wooden badger and gets back-fisted by Arthur... Right after Arthur decks Bedevere, the wooden rabbit gets Catapulted right back at them! That's why they're screaming in that photo above!


Mythbusters, Cosmos, America's Funniest Home videos, The Three Stooges, X play, Xena: Warrior Princess, Cinemax late-night, I'll come up with some more later!

Master Chief is a complete Wimp!

I ain't Gordon Freeman, but I could kick his ass anytime!


These guys are Awesome!

I got most of their episodes on DVD. There's 2 rare episodes that I can't find anywhere: "Stone Age Romeos" & "Cookoo on a Choochoo" If you find either of those 2 Episodes, let me know...

I got all their movies to!


Screw books! I wanna read the cards on my table!


Superman, Hercules, Rocky/Sylvester Stalone, Han Solo/Harrison Ford, George Lucas, Arnold Swartzanager, Rudy Gulianni, Dolnald Trump. Be like Rocky Balboa! No matter how many times life knocks you down, GET UP!!! You can't lose if you never accept defeat!