♥ kate profile picture

♥ kate

la dolce vita

About Me

with low expectations, its very easy to surprise people.


try not to get all bent out of shape
over my profile & pictures
.. this is myspace, people.
love me or hate me ... i dont really care.
but i would prefer to be hated for being something i am
rather than loved for being something im not.
that being said, i should forwarn you that i am unequivicolly awesome

... and i do not wrap my self-worth around anyone else's approval of me.
got something negative to say about me?
now go track down someone who cares.
i firmly believe that everyone should abide by the following rule:
don't like? don't look. don't know? don't judge.
i am happy to say that my life is finally without drama.
.. it took me far too long to realize that
i had to take out all of the trash. for good.

bring the drama back in, and heads will roll.
i still have no clue whatsoever why i am on myspace.
... i broke under pressure & hopped on the bandwagon.
know me in real life? fabulous.
... forget this page and visit me *HERE* instead.
i have a lot to say ... all of the time.
& i go on and on and on
[because i like to believe that people care about what i have to say]
... so consider yourself warned.
if you actually read all i have to type, you should really get yourself a hobby. :)
i find infantile 'jokes' like -
"idaho? no. you's da ho."
- absolutely hilarious.
i am twentysomething.
& i am younger than i look and older than i feel ...
or older than i look and younger than i feel.

i am currently located in the bowels of the midwest.
... where i reside consists of two seasons: 'winter' & 'construction'
i am a devout christian catholic .
... clearly, i am not exactly 'holier than thou'
nor am i a 'bible-banger.'
i am firm in my personal beliefs
... but will never judge others based upon their beliefs [or lack thereof]
for i do not care to be judged based upon mine.
i do, however, believe that everyone will meet their Maker.
i am also a youth group advisor
... i greatly enjoy doing this since i adore children
... and i adore children who bring me cookies even more. :)

i am a hardcore conservative republican .
... and that's all that needs to be said about that.

i am an extremely proud mother.
we have been blessed with the most amazing,
intelligent, and perfect little bundle of love.
... my heart, soul, every ounce of my being,
and the very last breath I take is for my child.

pictures, pictures, & more pictures!
.. & yes, i lost the pregnancy weight
and got my figure back, you jackals. :)

i come from a very large family.
.. and they're absolute lunatics amazing.
we're 'prep school kids.'
there's a decent chance that you'll misjudge us for that.
.. but that's cool.
i love my family & i am very blessed.

i am happily involved with the most wonderful person
he has been in my life and heart for a long time.
he is the most caring, loving, supportive, respectful and respectable
person i have ever had the joy of having in my life.
our family and friends all want to know
when we're going to finally tie the knot ..
but who knows what the future holds. ;)
... he puts a smile in my heart, a glisten in my eye, & a butterfly in my tummy.
"some people are settling down, some are settling,
& some people refuse to settle for anything less than butterflies."

i suppose you could say i am your typical emotional girl.
i have a strong appreciation for cheesy lovesongs such as:
"faithfully" ... "here & now" ... "endless love" ... "heaven" ... and "get naked"
(er, okay ... maybe that last one doesn't quite qualify).
i cry watching disney movies, i love holding babies, and i am a sentimental fool.
i would opt for a single peach rose over a dozen red ones any day.
i *heart* my pomeranian!
his name is templeton, and yes, i am one of those losers who dresses
her dog in juicy couture terry-shirts.
i am a college graduate.
i have a masters degree in business.
... but i regret that, so i did something about it.
i am back in school ... again.
i am a psychopharmacology with a passion for the human psyche.
know what that is? yeah ... me neither. :)
i now wear a white lab coat.
i tend to scare people when they realize that
i am substantially smarter than i look.

yes, i work. hard.
& my definition of my job is:
doing something i dislike to buy crap i dont even need.
i do not particularly care for corporate america,
... it is too cut-throat for me.
but, i am employed in human resources.
yes, that is upper management ... no, i am not a headhunter ...
and no, that is not fancy terminology for stripper.
... however, i am a former hooters girl.
i am also a part time cheerleading coach.
i enjoy doing that. it keeps me young.

december fourth was the happiest day of my life.
... feel free to ask me about it
- but know that i wont tell you.

clowns, centipedes, and that burger king guy scare the bejesus out of me.

i am a label whore ... and i like having big hair.
i go tanning, wear makeup, and dont like to get my fingernails dirty ...
i am tattooed and pierced, and at times, i dress provocatively.
i fully realize that some people like to judge what they don't know.
but one should never judge a book by it's cover.
i do things i know i shouldnt do, and why? because i want to.
i have made dated some mistakes in my life, and i acknowledge them,
have accepted the responsibility as any adult should,
and have dealt with them accordingly.
i am generally a happy person with strong morals, a good head on my shoulders,
goals, dreams, and great teeth ...
and haters just love to hate me for it.
i will be the first to admit that i have some trust issues.
... because, lets face it, many people are filth
& their behavior makes me want to core my kidneys out with a spoon.
i have a big heart, and i give it away freely.
& if i can love you, my love will be unconditional.
i am:
smarter than i look. a ballerina with a fondness for pointe. a hidden intellectual. a self proclaimed shopoholic. a talented pianist [well, my mom used to say so]. a perfectionist. ... but i am also the laziest overachiever - ever. opinionated. frivilous. girly. affectionate. sarcastic. overly giggly. emotional, yet stable, dedicated. compassionate. empathetic. glitzy. complicated. a doormat. as stubborn as a mule. as non-judgemental as they come.

i am not:
naive. promiscuous. vain. superficial. a flake. coldhearted. fake. a piece
of meat. closedminded. high maintenance. unfaithful. conceited. shallow.
looking for 'love' on myspace. easy to figure out.
tolerant of unneccessary drama.
i believe:
- that everything happens for a reason .
- that what goes will always come around .
- that reality should be handed out in carefully measured doses .
- that you have to know who you are and what you are about before you can expect someone else to .
- that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel .
- that in the end, you will probably be more ashamed not of the things that you've done, but rather, of the things you left undone .
- that not only is life a bitch, but it had puppies .
- that no one is a virgin because life screws us all .
- that dirty dancing is the greatest movie of all time ... and if you disagree then you are wrong .
- that love is blind .
- that money can, in fact, buy happiness
... and i believe that whoever says it cannot simply isnt shopping in the right malls .
i have amazingly fabulous friends.
but, you know what they say:
"fabulous people flock together."
[what? they dont say that? oh ... okay. nevermind.]

i truly enjoy having a diverse group of friends.
i dont put a whole lot of emphasis on
age, race, gender, religion, etc.
i love seeing how people differ from one another,
and i am fascinated with what each individual can bring into my life.
God has truly blessed me with some amazing friends.
... and as long as they continue to kiss my ass
& treat me like the goddess that i am, all will be good.
just kidding.

i positively adore people with:
bright smiles, great humour, warm hearts,
altruistic intentions, and amiable souls.
... and unless proven otherwise,
i really like to believe that there is good in everyone,
despite how difficult it may be to see it.

however, i have a strong detestation for:
dead-beat parents. homewreckers. catty females.
unneccessary drama. cheaters. hypocrites. caveman syndrome.
snap judgements. two-faced people. the gilmore girls.

[okay ... back to me!]

i laugh too loud, love too much, sleep too little,
& quite honestly, eat waaay too much junk food.

i have a good life ...
... & sometimes, i even know it.

oh yeah ... and i think depeche mode is pretty cool.
... because anyone who can write the song
'enjoy the silence' has got to be cool.

words to live by:
life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets.
so love the people who treat you right.
forget about the ones who dont,
& believe that everything happens for a reason.
if you get a chance, take it.
if it changes your life, let it.
nobody ever said that it would be easy,
they just promised that it would be worth it.
i stalkers :
e.mailIust love Iost
ask me!i_make_boys_cry
+ add me
dear kate,
.pyp { position:absolute; left:50%; top:125px; width:800px; z-index:1; margin-left:-400px; padding:0px; border:0px; background-color:transparent

My Interests

: first and foremost: GOD - who worked in mysterious ways to lead me back to Him, my little pumpkin, spending as much time as possible with the two people i ♥ most in this world, ballet, beaches, blockbuster nights, boating, bubble baths, cardio kickboxing, chanel, chi omega, christian louboutin, classic rock, cooking, crocheting, cuddling on the couch with my special someone, dancing, dior, fabulous friends & family, fitness, foo foo drinks, football, furthering my education, gardening, golf, good conversation, haute couture, hockey, intelligence, juicy couture, laughter, makeup artistry (i am obsessed with MAC & NARS), our condominium on sanibel island, piano, pilates, pink (the color, not the singer), politics, psychology, reading, roller coasters, shopping ... excessively, saying 'i love you' ... and meaning it, soccer, starbucks, stargazing, templeton - my pomeranian, theology, vuitton, world travel, yoga, ysl

: abandonment, homewreckers, deadbeat parents, abuse, arrogance, bad breath, betrayal, bootyhounds, catty females, centipedes, cheaters, crumbs in my bed, drama, gilmore girls, hypocrites, idiocy, irresponsibility for ones' actions, losing touch with close friends, meatheads, my insecurities, people that cut in line, players, rudeness, shallowness, snap judgements, tequila, the silent treatment, unnecessary noise, users, winter

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I'd like to meet:

*it is a rare occassion when i actually send out a friend request .. color me shy. :)

however, if you wish to add me as a 'friend' i will most likely accept your request.
(unless, of course, you're a complete butthead, a clown [yikes!], or a total pervert)

i positively love
[& do read] each and every one
of the messages and comments i am sent.
i regretfully am unable to respond to each one ..
so please, if you do not receive a response, do not take it personally.
what can i say? i'm a busy gal.

i also have a private account which is for my family and close friends' eyes only.

alright. that being said:
i have no intentions of meeting anyone offline,
but as for keepin' it on myspace, i would love to meet fun-loving, respectful people with FANTASTIC senses of humour.

... oh, and booty-hounds need not apply. :)


i know, i know ... i have encountered many fabulous people.
it's okay ... you can be jealous.VIEW ALL 22K + HERE.


i stalkers :
e.mailIust love Iost
+ add me

send me a message, loves!

All of your content goes in here, whether it be tables, flash, or whatever!


.. & so much more.


.. 21 Grams. 8mm. a beautiful mind. a clockwork orange. a walk to remember. american beauty. american history x. barefoot in the park. big. caddyshack . cape fear. casablanca. city of god. crash. da vinci code. dirty dancing. fight club. forrest gump. goodfellas. grease. it's a wonderful life. kill bill. la dolce vita. les miserables. meet the parents. memento. monty python and the holy grail. office space. pretty woman. psycho. pulp fiction. raging bull. saw [1, not 2]. scarface. schindler's list. stand by me. the departed. the godfather. the goodfellas. the princess bride. the shawshank redemption. the shining. the silence of the lambs. the sound of music. vertigo.


.. 48 hrs mystery. american justice. celebrity rehab. csi:. desperate housewives. forensic files. intervention. judge judy. nip/tuck. two & a half men. golden girls.


.. a child called it. brave new world. capitalism & freedom.confessions of an economic hitman. dress your family in corduroy & denim. five people you meet in heaven. how to make love like a porn star. i know this much is true. i know why the caged bird sings. into abba's arms. miracles.she's come undone. the art of happiness. the bastard on the couch.the da vinci code. the end of faith: religion, terror, and the future of reason. the glass castle. the godfather. the heart is deceitful among all things.the purpose driven life. valley of the dolls. what if god were the sun?. wuthering heights. why do men have nipples?.


.. alfred adler. alfred aitchcock. bob costas. carl jung. chris berman. christian dior. coco chanel. cs lewis. dennis miller. diana .. I miss her ♥. edgar allan poe. father dan. francois nars. jean paul gaultier. karl lagerfeld. martin scorsese. max lucado. my dad .. a person who always comes through for his little girl. oscar wilde. stanley kubrick. the genious behind splenda.
& MYSELF - for jumping over drama and landing on my feet.
anderson cooper ... just because.
chuck norris' calendar goes from march 31st to april 2nd.
because nobody fools chuck norris.
"dont pee on my leg and tell
me its raining!" - judge judy
ME! im one fascinating bitch ..
im not going to lie.
i kid you. :)
di! the canadian version of .. me!
i ♥ her.
and grandpa
(with his long-time friend,
the great frank sinatra -rip-)

My Blog

.. even more superfluous ramblings

WHAT THE HELL? NO SERIOUSLY ... WHAT THE HELL? i was completely taken by surprise about this.  is it just me, or does her 'about me section' resemble mine an awful lot? there are actually porti...
Posted by ♥ kate on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 07:52:00 PST

attn: american airlines

Alright. listen up, American Airlines ... i have something to say. On April 22, I, Katheryn, embarked upon flight number 1189 after a plane change in Atlanta. Now, i admit, the overall in-flight was ...
Posted by ♥ kate on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 07:42:00 PST

because it needed to be said:

color me lucky! look up the word 'lucky' in the dictionary, and there you will see a picture of yours truly, grinning from ear to ear, and giggling like a silly schoolgirl. so. yeah. i am currently o...
Posted by ♥ kate on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 07:39:00 PST

decisions, people, DECISIONS!

alright. so. it is always quite problematic to choose between two good things, no? for example: the sopranos or sex & the city? french toast or chocolate chip pancakes? diet coke with lime or die...
Posted by ♥ kate on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 07:36:00 PST

cadbury creme eggs are truly the way to my <3

so yeah ... carleigh and i made like girls and did some shopping over the weekend. we went down to michigan avenue, drove around aimlessly for twenty four minutes looking for decent parking, and trek...
Posted by ♥ kate on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 07:20:00 PST

i know, i know

... i jumped on the myspace bandwagon. i always said i wouldn't ... shame on me. :)
Posted by ♥ kate on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 07:18:00 PST


well people, it's getting to be that time again ... yes, that's right ... valentine's day is just around the wretched corner. now, to some people, this day means that your predominantly frigid lover ...
Posted by ♥ kate on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 07:21:00 PST